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If a Tree Falls in a Forest…

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Having completed the audio assignment to create an audio bumper for ds106 radio, the idea of trying to create a 5-sound story was no longer nearly so daunting. :)   The hardest part, really, was trying to decide what kind of story I wanted to tell.

I decided to tell a story about  nature, and ultimately settled on the story of a storm.  I’ve quickly come to love  Not only did I get all 5 of my sounds from this source, but I also got inspiration from it.  When I had a hard time narrowing down story ideas, I simply clicked on the ‘Browse tags’ link on the home page, and began checking those for ideas and to get a better picture of the kind of possibilities that were out there.  Very neat.

This story consists of the sound of water drips, wind, rain, thunder, and of course, the sound of the tree falling, for a climactic focal point of the story. :)

When creating the story within audacity, I started immediately by changing all the tracks to mono, just to simplify it and make it easier to view all 5 tracks at the same time.  I then got to work trimming the various sounds to the lengths I wanted them, and moving them around to make sure they were where I wanted them.

It’s far from perfect, but I had fun creating it.  Enjoy!




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