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I had a lot of fun doing photoblitzing.  20 mintues went by really fast.  I chose to do this assignment in my dorm room,  where I have plenty of options of what to use in my photographs.  Also it was a place where I wouldn’t feel judged for scrambling together random ojects.  I decided to do this assignment this morning before I had to go to class at 9am.  I took all of these pictures with my phone, and uploaded them to flickr and tagged them though my phone.

Below are embedded photos of my start and end time as well as my 5 best photos that I took over the course of 20 minutes and explanations of what these are the best choices:

Start Time: For my start time I took a screenshot of the time on my phone.


A Photo Dominated by a Single Color: This picture was taken in my bathroom. This is one of my sets of towels along with some other objects that help show the different shades of green.


Two Things that do not Belong Together:  These two items definitely don’t belong together.  One is a container that had food in it that I’ve borrowed and been meaning to return and the other is a Hawaiian lei that my friend gave me.


Take a Picture of Converging Lines:  This is as close as I got to converging lines.  I thought putting the two sides of my sunglasses together would represent converging lines.


An Interesting Shadow:  I thought this was an interesting shadow because it is from the miniblinds in my room.  If you open them just a little they project an interesting shadow on the wall next to it.


Photo of something at an Unusual Angle:  I thought taking a picture of the door knob handle of my room from the bottom is an unusual angle.  This is not how many people look at a doorknob.  They usually look at it from the angle above because most adults are taller than the door knob.  But this represents a view of a doorknob from a little kid.  Everything seems tall to a little kid.


End Time:  To change it up instead of taking an ending screen shot from my phone I went to my alarm clock to document the ending time.


Some of the more difficult pictures for me were the abstract one and the human emotion picture.  I did take pictures of those, but I didn’t believe that they were some of my best work.  Overall I really enjoyed this assignment because it got me to think of ways to create great photos and use objects that I wouldn’t normally think of to take a picture of.

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