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5.. Already?

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I can’t believe it is already week five. Sometimes I still feel like a boot camp grunt. This 5th week turned out to be tons of fun though as we got to concentrate on visual assignments. I think visual storytelling is more appropriate for the internet because it is so fast-paced and you have to retain your audiences’ concentration.

Over the course of the week I did a really awesome photoblitz activity where you have to take certain shots in under 20 minutes. I thought it was going to be stressful but I found myself laughing throughout the entire process. Here is a link to my post about the photoblitz:


We also had to complete a few activities that added up to 10 stars in difficulty altogether. Again, I had way more fun doing this than I anticipated. Here are the assignments I completed this week with links to each blog post:

Buddy Photos:

Common Object:

Ordinary -> Extraordinary:

Album Cover:

Splash that color:

On top of the photoblitz and random visual assignments, we continued our Daily Creates. This week was thankfully only 3. Here is my post about the ones I completed this week:


After the audio fiasco last week, I came back with full force and tackled these projects a la James Harrison. The most important thing I learned this week was that photos tell stories just as well and if not better than audio. This week I learned that pictures are what you make them… literally. You can transform any photo or image to tell the story or experience you want. I found this week to be incredibly rewarding because I continue to tap into my hidden creativity. I am also realizing that this class is about creating opportunities out of things you normally take for granted. Each week I am more and more amazed at what I have compiled over the course of just a few short 5 weeks!

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