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The good, the bad, and the in between of Visual Storytelling

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Here are all my DailyCreates for this Week:


Here all of my Visual Assignments:

Common Everyday Object

Splash That Color

Find Yourself

Draw It

Here is my Photoblizting:

Pimp up Your Flickr:

Flickr Set

This week was all about using images to tell different stories and practing on improving our photography skill. The only isse I had this week was with embedding my Flickr Set into my Blog. I don’t know why I am always having issues with embedding media! But hey you have to give me credit for trying and trying again! I will hopefully have this issue figured out by next week. My favorite assignment this week was our Visual Assignments. I thought they were fun and I ended up downloading some new apps & software that I can use later even after this class to edit and recreate my photos.

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