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Bring It! My Contribution to Seniorrritis106 Radio Show

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So for our Radio Show Project there are a few things that I want to get accomplished:

-I plan on interviewing 3 people (unless for some odd reason I decide to do more) and asking them questions about their Halloween experiences! And so I won’t get any dull or boring answers I’m going to ask question like: What is one of the weirdest things you’ve experienced during Halloween?; Have them describe anytime that they have dressed in any really bizarre costumes or seen someone dressed in one; Have them describe there best Halloween experience; and etc.

-I plan on using my Iphone to record all of my audio. (I’m going to do a test run of this before I start the interviews just to make sure it will be appropiate for this task)

-Our group discussed pairing up to do the interviews, so if we decide to stick with this I will be working with Rudy

-I also plan on helping Shalini edit all our audio recordings for the Radio Show. I will be using the program Audacity for this part.

Hopefully all of this will go smoothly and our Radio Show will be a hit! I can’t wait to see the final outcome!

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