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Design Safari

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This week we had to learn about the major design elements of :

  • color
  • typography
  • metaphors/symbols
  • minimalism & use of space
  • form/function/message
  • balance
  • rhythm
  • proportion
  • dominance
  • unity

We had to carry our cameras around this week and try to capture some examples of some of the elements to prove that we understood them.  We had to upload them on Flickr and tag them designblitz. I felt like I struggled with this because I never remembered to take photos of things I understand what each concept entails but I was indecisive when it came down to what I actually captured.  I think that I would make a terrible photographer because I just don’t have the eye for capturing things.  I even sat and stared at things trying to determine what message I could get out of it but nonetheless here we go.













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