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Monologues, Planners, and Pictures – oh my!

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Howdy everyone! I hope everyone had a great long weekend and is ready for the last week of digital storytelling boot camp. I also hope everyone had just as much fun with this week’s Daily Creates as I did :)

The first Daily Create (DC) that I chose to do was on Monday {take a photo of ONE thing you MUST see, do, eat, hear, etc. everyday!}. Before I show you my life item, I will say that I did not do this on Monday. I saw that DC on Tuesday and just had to do it. Ok here it goes:

Week 2 - Daily Create (planner)

This is my planner. I am obsessed with making to-do lists and checking them off. This thing is constantly open. If I lost this book, I think I would cry. It has my life in it {no, I am not being dramatic}. When I read the DC prompt, I didn’t even have to think twice. My planner popped into my head and I got out my iPhone and snapped a shot. I uploaded my picture straight to Flickr and presto – it was done.

The second DC I chose was on Tuesday {submit a favorite monologue from a movie with every third word removed.}. The exact same thing happened to me as Monday’s TDC, it could have been the 3 cups of coffee I had Tuesday morning! Nevertheless, this came very easy to me as well. My all-time favorite monologue is from Zach Galifianakis (as Alan) in The Hangover:

“I’d like, I’d like say something I’ve prepared. Hello. How that ride? I guess why they call Sin City. guys might know this, I consider a bit a loner. I to think myself as one-man wolf. But when sister brought home, I he was of my own. my wolf, it grew one. So – were two us in wolf pack. was alone in the, and then joined in. And six ago, when introduced me you guys, thought, ‘Wait second, could be?’ And I know sure, I  added two guys to wolf pack. Four us wolves, around the together, in Vegas, looking strippers and. So tonight, make a. Blood brothers!”

The speech is when Alan gives the “Wolf Pack Speech”. This speech always puts a smile on my face, so it was easy to think of for this DC. When I was removing every third word {as per the DC prompt} I felt a little weird. After I was finished and I re-read what was left, I sounded like a caveman. However, I still understood what the main idea was, maybe that is because I am familiar with the monologue. Here is the original monologue:

“I’d like to, I’d like to say something that I’ve prepared tonight. Hello. How ’bout that ride in? I guess that’s why they call it Sin City. You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack, it grew by one. So – there were two of us in the wolf pack. I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, ‘Wait a second, could it be?’ And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast! Blood brothers!”

Pretty neat, huh? :) Stay tuned to read about my last week in Boot Camp!

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