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TDC week 4

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Gosh, I just can’t get enough of The Daily Create (TDC)! This week’s DCs were so fun, and I can’t help but be jealous of the person who makes them up {who IS that man behind the red curtain anyway??}

On Monday, the DC was to write an acrostic poem that includes an item of clothing that you’re currently wearing. I was wearing corduroys on this day so here is my acrostic poem titled “Three CORDS and the Truth”:

dc 4-1Can you tell that I was cold when I wrote this?? Ah, good stuff. On Wednesday, the DC was to retitle a movie poster to make it more accurate. I chose to The Hunger Games. For those of you who haven’t seen it, I’m sorry that I’m giving it away. {I do want to note that I love this book and am reading the trilogy. I have nothing aganist this book/movie…this is just an assignment}

dc 4-2

This is idea came to me because when I went to see this movie, I heard one guy in the theater say “why is this called The Hunger Games? It should have a better title that is related to what the storyline is”. When I read this DC prompt, I immediately thought of this movie and what I could retitle the poster. I hope that guy knows I was thinking about him! On Thursday, the DC was to hum your first musical memory and post it to sound cloud. Since this was the first audio week, I figured I might as well do that for practice {because Ira said practice will make you better at audio!}

Hopefully you can tell that my first musical memory was “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”. It was just the first tune that came into my head when I thought about my childhood. This was my first time using SoundCloud and I just recorded it on my SoundCloud App, it was very simple!

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