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Greetings Loved Ones

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Brownie Points (sorry I don’t have the power to give out extra star points) for whoever can name that song I’m pulling that line from in the title!!

Since I have an impending trip coming up in a week and a half(!!!), I thought this was an appropriate assignment. This 2-star design assignment is about creating a greeting card sharing where you are, where you are from or where you would like to be.

For my greeting card I simply took the picture off of google images, opened it in Picmonkey and added the text. I was a bit concerned about using to types of fonts, but I actually LOVE the way this turned out.

I can’t wait to visit this place in a little over a week and a half with Brittany and two other wonderful friends!


What do you all think?

PS I know this pictures kind of small, but going up in size makes it too large, Flickr doesn’t have a good inbetween :(

Star Point Total: 8/15

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