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DS, the Movie

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I have been loving every second of design week. The assignments are my favorite part. The next assignment I chose was to create a movie poster for DS106 (***). This was very fun! I almost want to do it again.

DS movie poster FINAL

When I read the assignment details, I had no idea on what movie poster to do. I could have done any one but it needed to be perfect. I actually ended up searching for ‘movie posters’ on Google. I scrolled down until I saw ‘the one’:

original movie poster

I saw it and knew right away. I have no clue why. I’m a psychology major but still know nothing about how the brain really works. I opened up this picture in GIMP and covered the original title. I wanted my font to fade like the original title does. I couldn’t figure out how to fade it. I’m still kind of new to this software!

So I opened the picture in Powerpoint because I remembered playing around with the different word art features when I was younger and thought that was the “cool” thing to do!

I still couldn’t find how to fade the font! I was beyond irritated now. I couldn’t get it to work and I missed eating dinner because I was working on this for so long. I ended up just outlining the words in one color and having the words another color. I think it works in the same way, you still get the same firey effect.

I chose to have my movie poster be about boot camp because that would be an interesting movie. And Indiana Jones looks like he is about to conquer that firey skull guy. I think that’s what we all felt like when we conquered DS boot camp! Remember those days?!

That brings me to 13/15 stars! Why does it have to go so fast??

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