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Magically Designed

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WOW. Who can believe that week 6 is done already?? Time is just flying by.I know this week felt like it flew by because I was having so much fun with designing!! This week and last week, photos, have been my favorite so far! I want a whole class on that :)

There is one new thing that I love. It is called the DS Front Burner. It has the weekly checklist, what radio shows are going on next, TDC prompts, Tweets from our class. It is amazing! Good idea alert!!

As for design week.


I’m so glad we had to go on this Design Safari throughout the week. Reading this Google doc and looking at all of the examples on that document really helped me understand what elements go into design. You can see my excursion through my Design Safari in my blog post. You can also check out my favorite 4 pictures in the Google doc.

Design assignment time! I had a lot of fun creating all of these design assignments. This week, we had to complete 15 stars worth of design assignments. These are the assignments I chose:

  -Uncle Sam Goes Digital. See how Uncle Sam looks in a digital storytelling setting here.

-Take a Guess. Think you can guess what this movie is?

-Hold On To What You Believe. Sing it loud, read it proud.

-The Perfect Truth. See the truth about the movie I chose here.

-DS, the Movie. If DS 106 was a movie, what would be the movie poster? Look at what I thought.

-Clicka Clicka. A new-age take on an old children’s book here.

The design assignment bank is full of cool, great, fun, creative assignments. It was hard to pick just 15 stars worth. I actually clicked the random button at the end because I couldn’t pick! I ended up with a total of 16 stars!!

The Daily Creates (TDC) this week were on the more relaxed, fun side. I tend to stick to the photograph ones because that’s what I truly love. But this week, I did a writing one! You can check out all four of my DCs here.

The Fab Five girls are so creative and great! We met on Thursday night to discuss our plans for the group radio show. It was neat to meet and see everyone face-to-face. And we made a lot of progress. We chose our logo:


You can see all of our logos and our plans for the radio show here. Long story short, we chose to do a celebrity themed show in an interview style. And the lucky celebrity that we will base the show off of is {drumroll……} Taylor Swift! Stay tuned to hear more details about our show!

This week, I learned everything about design. I knew nothing about design! The design safari really helped me understand. Now, I feel like I’m looking for the elements of design everywhere I go. I mean I have even redesigned my blog because I was so into designing things this week! Maybe this will be the last time I change my blog design :)

Also, I added to my best set on Flickr! Some of the pictures that I took during my Design Safari excursion were so good – I was very proud of myself!

Only 1 more week until Spring Break!!!!!

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