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I Know my Calculus, It Says U + Me = Us.**

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It’s math time!!! I know you all have been dying for some good math times, I certainly know I have. Curious as to where I got this amazing title from? Simply check out this great song and you’ll understand. I took the 2 star assignment of The Contest Nobody Could Win a bit too literal (yet not literal at the same time). How could I do that you say? It’s simple. It was not literal because I did remixes of what I think to be popular songs. The literal part is that nobody can win since they aren’t actually real songs, and there is math involved (so that means I automatically win?).

Yes that is right, I have been busy working on all of my ds106 stuff for the two weeks so that I can really focus on all of the radio show (which is coming along really well after our meeting online). So when I had the opportunity to create a very very short story with different songs I got right to work. Typically I would do something Disney oriented, but it seems as though Disney is very on top of their copyright, and loading onto SoundCloud would not go so smoothly.

I decided then that math would be my topic of interest. I’ve known for a while now about different people putting up remakes of popular songs and incorporating calculus terminology in it. What I didn’t know was that I would spend about 2 hours in the library watching all of them (what can I say? I am a nerd). When trying to cut out certain sections I wanted to make sure it was popular tunes that people would recognize the original song.

The process of making this was similar to any other process that I have done, lots and lots of planning. For starters, while looking at different videos, I would note the ones with better audio quality. If you can’t hear the words, why should I use the clip? Once I had the six videos that I wanted to use, I picked clips from each and I tried to make them as short as possible. As usual, I put them in a word document and played around with the order, a lot. I had something completely different at first and didn’t like it. Order matters so much. So here is my final product, which I really love a lot!

All of the clips came from YouTube, which I tuned into an mp3 using the Fastest YouTube Downloader. I then imported them into Audacity and used the crop selection tool to delete parts that I did not want. The zoom tool proves very useful for this, especially when the song is quick. Once I was comfortable with the ordering of everything, I exported it into an mp3 and uploaded it to SoundCloud.

To see the creative minds themselves, look at the remixes I used:

Time for Calculus (tune of Single Ladies)

I Will DeriveĀ (tune of I Will Survive)

Calculus Rhapsody (tune of Bohemian Rhapsody)

Fresh Prince of BC (tune of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song)

Derive So Hard (tune of Ball So HardĀ (thisĀ originalĀ is a bit explicit))

I Integrate By PartsĀ (tune of Total Eclipse of the Heart)

And finally, here is what my Audacity looks like:

calc audio tracak

Thanks for reading!

Princess Karissa


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