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TDC week 7 & 8

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Sunday’s DC (2/24)- Write an epic ode to an underappreciated object.

Dear Coffee,

You make it possible for me to get through the day
I am so eternally grateful, I just cannot say
how much I love you so much
your taste, your energy, your touch.
So I’m writing you to say,
That you’re appreciated each and every day.

I have coffee every morning. Sometimes at night too, if I’m staying up really late. I guess I never really thought about how much my life would suck if I didn’t have it. Wow…I can’t think about it anymore.

Tuesday’s DC (2/26) – Spell ‘create’ using interesting materials/objects to form the letters.


First of all, how fun was this? I watched the video The Pilobolus VOTE Project before I did this daily create to see some examples. The pictures in this video are amazing and the people are very talented – go check it out! I knew I wanted my creation to be ‘themed’. So the first thing I did was pick a theme. I chose to go with a crafty one because I love to scrapbook and make crafts, that’s how I create.  I looked around my house for objects that could form the letters in the word ‘create’ that were crafty. It was a little challenging but it got me thinking out-of-the-box {the best way to think!!}

Thursday’s DC (2/28) – Pick a vowel and write a one paragraph story avoiding words that contain that vowel.

I have a midterm tomorrow in Ling. I have to know all different vowel noises and classifications. I wanted to do this daily create so I can relearn and relook over my notes concerning vowels. The vowel letter that this paragraph is concerning is a high, back, tense, and ** vowel. ** = something I cannot write since this vowel is in it. ** = when lips are in the shape of an ‘o’. This was a trickster daily create assignment. However, I enjoyed thinking on the other side of the box.

This was SO fun! I picked the vowel ‘u’. Some words I had to change. {I couldn’t say “out of the box”, so I said “on the other side of the box”} This daily create really got me thinking and helped me study for my Linguistics midterm tomorrow!! {WHY did I wait until my last semester to take Linguistics 101??!}

Friday’s DC (3/1) – Pretend you’re a panda and talk about what you think they would think about.

Yes. This was an audio daily create. I cannot believe I opted to do this! And I wasn’t even pressured {I still have two weeks to do three daily creates}. I wanted to do an audio daily create because these two weeks are intensive audio. Practice makes perfect!

I don’t really know much about pandas. I’m guessing they would eat a lot and I was actually eating an english muffin when I read TDC prompt. So when you think I’m chewing, I really am. Can you say Foley artist? :) See what the other DSers thought pandas would think about here.

Saturday’s DC (3/9) – Write a response from your underappreciated object in DC 413.

{scroll up to read my ode to my underappreciated object – it is the first DC on this post}

Dear Kelsie,

I can’t believe you don’t say thank you everyday after all the hard times I’ve helped you in every way. You said things will be different and that you’re sorry but that was two weeks ago and it’s like I’m still calamari. I wish you would show me how much you care Because you know that I will always be there.

Thursday’s DC (3/14 – Happy Pi Day!) – Take a picture of something you collect.

Oh yeah baby!!!

Oh yeah. I collect(ed) all of the Friends season DVDs. I can’t get enough of these. I can, and probably have, watched each episode over and over and over again. It is my “go-to” show. Since I’m done collecting them, I guess I need to move on to another show to buy all of the seasons. Any suggestions??

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