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All This Work is Giving Me a Headache

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While working on our radio show throughout the past few weeks I found myself needing to make an advertisement that has to deal with our radio show. Since we were really focusing on the hardships behind the group project I decided to do an advertisement for something that would help with the tensions that may be caused from group projects. The product? Advil. While I personally do not get a lot of headaches, Advil certainly has been the relief for many headaches that other people may have had.

I had a lot of fun recording this using Audacity. I wanted to have two people talking back and forth to each other, so to make the voices distinct I decided to use the Change Pitch effect in order to make it seem like there was a man talking. While I do think that it is a bit over dramatic, I still enjoyed listening to it (and my roommates certainly enjoyed listening to me do it).

My favorite part of doing all of this? The end where the recording goes by very quickly. The side effects are always read in a very quick fashion is my favorite thing about commercials that have to do with medicine. So I used the Change Speed effect to speed it up a bit. I thought that it was very dramatic, which is what makes it funny.

Finally, I went back and listened to the advertisement and realized that I wanted to have a song playing in the background, but one that is not distracting from what is being said. In this case I went through my iTunes and came across a song that had a lot of instrumentals and seemed very relaxing (which is what should happen after you take Advil), so I decided to put it in the background. The timing of everything was perfect and I decided to keep the lyrics at the end of the song as a closure.

Here was my final product:

Thanks for reading!
Princess Karissa

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