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Stitching together Audio… Weeks 6-7

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I survived Audio Week! I’m not a huge fan of doing audio, but it was neat to experiment with. I found myself using both Audacity and GarageBand depending on what audio I needed to do and relied heavily on Voice Memos on my iPod Touch to record audio as I have noticed that my Macbook likes to record its built in fan as well as my speech when I use it for recording, which makes for fuzzy audio clips.

My assignments this week included making a radio show bumper, a radio show commercial, a Foley challenge and five stars worth of audio assignments from the assignment bank.

I struggled the most with the Foley challenge, finding it hard to get my timing down and figure out how to do the sound effects, but I believe that I was ultimately successful. The radio show bumper and commercial were not as tricky and my bumper will be used in our Digital Dynamite live broadcast.

In order to complete the five stars, I first did the two star Familiar Sounds Story, making a sound story of sewing pants with my serger. I then started to work on the three star SongTag assignment, but while working on it, I realized that I was starting to do something a bit different, in creating a story using the SongTag format so I decided to make my own assignment, Storytime: SongTag Style. My SongTag story, entitled Why We Need To Have A Kiki, is composed of some of my favorite guilty pleasure music and tells the story of a gay man who goes clubbing with his boyfriend but his boyfriend decides to be a bit of a diva and cheats on him, breaking his heart. Sad and heartbroken, he turns to his friends who decide to have a kiki and during the kiki, he realize he’ll be able to get over his heartbreak.

In addition to this, I did six daily creates this week which were a mix of writing, drawing and photography, which happen to be my favorite categories of Daily Creates.

My group started off as a bit of a mess, throwing ideas around and arguing a bit before settling on one, which we then chose to change due to some massive head-butting between part of the group. From the beginning, Amber wanted to do something with her voice acting talents so I wrote up a proposal that would let us showcase one of our unique talents or skills, while weaving our stories together in a cohesive manner. As this was going on, we lost a group member which actually helped our group get along better. Once we were down to four members, we all clicked in a way, all able to get on the same wavelength about what we were doing. Watkins chose to talk about her handwriting skills while Chelsea chose to talk about her knowledge of Mandarin Chinese. I chose my love of sewing as my topic since I knew I would be able to get some great audio from my sewing machine and my serger to use in my story. I also realized that sewing was not something that many people my age can do and thought it would be unique to talk about, as well as meshing well with the theme of my blog. After hearing the final show, I love it. Amber’s editing is superb and everyone’s story works together. I think we achieved our goals of creating a cohesive and interesting radio show, something we once worried about doing. I hope people will like it. I think that they will find our stories interesting, especially Watkins’s and Amber’s, since their talents are not often seen by those our age.

Honestly, I’m glad that Audio week is done. I struggled a lot with it and still am not all that confident in my abilities in doing sound editing. It made me realize how much of a designer, photographer and writer I was and how much I missed doing them.

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