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Radio Show Evaluation

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Oh I feel so famous! My radio show group (Fab 5) premiered on DS106 radio last week!! It was really awesome and a bit nerve racking to hear our own voices on the radio. Brittany and Kelsie did a great job introducing the show! Additionally, I was able to tune in for a couple other shows as well.

One that I missed was the Dot Commers and I was sad because I saw a bunch of tweets about it and Brittany said that they had a good show. So I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Fab 5 had to evaluate the Dot Commer’s show!

But first up, I’ve got to give my show some evaluation!

Fab 5

Overall I think we did very well, considering that we all recorded individually (except Brittany and I did our parts together) and Brooke put them together, I liked the way our show turned out. Listening to other shows, I can see where we could and possibility should have put more sound effects into the show. I think our songs could have been cut down from the full length as well, because at times I was really ready to say enough all ready. For the interviews, I think everyone did very well with piecing them together. In a couple group members interviews I could her the interviewer from the video they took them from, so that was bit off and probably could have been edited out. As a whole, I think the editing of the show was really great, Brooke did an amazing joband we got a lot of great feedback!

Check it out!

Fab 5 twitter love Screen shot 2013-03-24 at 10.38.45 PM

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I’d give up 4.5 stars out of 5.

Dot Commers

I LOVED their show! It was so so funny and so true! I am not a fan of group projects, and I think this radio show explains way. Karissa’s character was TOO much! I loved her! Thankfully, I’ve never had to deal with a drunk group member! I think I’d play the perfectionist role in real life, but I think Kyle’s character was and over the edge Perfectionist! Their show was funny, interesting and easy to listen too. The Law and Order intro worked perfectly and I liked all the little sound effects throughout with “Pluto” panting and barking and the phone call.

I thought the editing was really great in this. The only true negative for me is that it was extremely hard for me to understand Tiffany, and I’m not sure why since they all recorded the audio together. It was also hard to understand Tim sometimes as well, but I think that was more to do with his character than anything! The flow of the show was really great. Overall, it was a great show!

I’d give it 4.5 stars out of 5!

Great job, Dot Commers!!

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