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Wanted: Traveling Partner

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For the main project of the week, we were to take an existing webpage and create some changes to it. This is actually a ds106 web assignment- Storytelling within the Web and it’s worth 5 stars.

The hardest part about this assignment was finding a webpage to actually do the assignment on. I looked on Amazon, IMDB, Pinterest, and Craigslist. I looked at the past students work and some work that current ds106ers have done and always thought, “I wish I had thought of that.” Finally I decided to just google “weird Craigslist ads” and came across this one: Wanted: Mule named Sal.

Craigslist ad

Well it’s definitely an interesting request to make. So I decided I’d just edit it a little I keep some parts from the original and elaborated on the rest, and tried to put some humor into it. So here’s what I came up with:

Web page

Wanted: Traveling Partner

Pretty neat, huh? To create these changes I used the Moxilla Hackasaurus tool. I found it very easy to use and had no problems at all. So tell me, do you think we can find a mule, named Sal with all of these characteristics? I might be possible!

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