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Well This Pretty Much Sums It Up

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This week was very intertwined like a spider web (get it??)

We had Web Assignments and I loved some parts and hated other things. It was definitely all mixed up together.

For starters though we had to reflect on last week before moving onto this week. I really enjoyed making and especially listening to all of the radio shows and I did a pretty good job of reviewing both my show as well as the Fab Five’s show here.

So once all of that was done I could move onto Web Assignments and I had no idea what I was in store with since I never really heard of anything like this. I ended up loving hacking into websites and changing them around, I thought it was so entertaining and I loved seeing what other people did with it as well. I was laughing pretty hard at different ones that I saw. I used Hackasaurus to do a few things this week including give UMW athletics Princess sports to tell a story throughout the web as well as tell some volleyball players how I really feel by hiding a message in a website for two stars worth of designing. These two were my favorite assignments to do by far. The hardest part was finding a website that was simple enough to be hacked into, but once that was done the rest was just a good time. It was a great experiment and I really want to try to find a way to use this in my classroom to trick my students at some point to see if they are actually paying attention :) Teachers have to have fun too!!

Next I did a three star assignment to complete the 5 stars worth of design and I made a twitter and facebook page for Walt Disney. He’s pretty awesome is what I have determined. I really liked this assignment as well because it really makes you research a lot before you can post things. So this is perfect for history teachers or maybe even a project on mathematicians. I know that I am talking a lot about teaching now, but that’s because I am in an education class that talks about incorporating technology and I have a blog post due at midnight for that class too. So my mind is a bit scattered right now. However, I really liked using the tools and I could see myself using them again because it was so simple to do!

Now for the assignments I was not the biggest fan of and thus waiting until the last minute to do (rookie mistake done by a veteran).

Creating a blog commenting character was hard because I just was not feeling creative the day that I made myself finally do it. Maybe I didn’t believe my character enough and I wish that I did something more princess oriented but I went in a totally different direction which you can see here. Maybe I was grumpy about the project so my character was grumpy? Who knows. However I did really enjoy seeing what people had to say about my blog in their characters!! I found myself having to approve a lot of comments, but it was totally worth it.

This assignment was easy once I found things that I needed to recycle. I have very little space left on my computer so I delete a lot of things that take up space. But I was able to find a few things from a project that I took in a different direction, so here is that post!

Finally the daily creates. I actually didn’t mind doing this, but I just was a bit confused as to how it was done. Luckily this class has tons of creative freedom and I like the path that I took. I actually had one of my daily creates telling the whole story based off two pictures and another writing daily create. Confused? I was too, but you have to experience it to understand it.


So that was my week! I survived the bachelorette party and still submitted everything with time to spare, luckily my blog for my other class is almost done as well. Procrastination won this week.


Thanks for reading!

Princess Karissa

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