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Power To the Lefties!

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Yeah, I said it. While I may be a rare kind of lefty, I still consider myself to be one. I write with my left hand, but all sports are done with my right hand or foot (which was good since I had four injuries on my left side of my body this past volleyball season). But anyway, I’m that girl. The one who has to sit on the end of the table so I don’t bump someone’s elbow. The girl who has the potential of dying using a product designed for right handers. Yeah, my life is at risk by being a lefty. In my future kingdom I say lefty power all the way!

So why the rant about being a lefty? Because of Roger Elbert’s “How to Read a Movie” which talks about how panning from the right to the left is a lot better than going from left to right. While it does make sense to me, after all every commercial that compares too things the product is on the right, I still am opposed to the idea.

Anyway, my rant is over for now and now begins the analysis part of this portion of my blog. This week we are working on reading movies, which is something I never thought that I would be doing. So we got to pick from different clips, and I decided to go with one from Boondock Saints which was a shooting scene.So here is my reaction after watching the first time.

No Audio

While watching this without the audio a few things really stood out to me. For starters, most of the panning did occur from the left to the right whenever there was any. During the scene with the shooting the camera was very stable, while it was moving it was only moving in one direction. However as it appeared to be the actors were fighting each other, the camera was very shaking and moving around a lot. In addition to the camera work a  really great effect was the slow motion. Typically an intense shooting scene is fast moving, but this one was very slow.  Another thing that was really interesting was the black outs that happened towards the end of the shooting scene. I kept thinking that there wasPrinsomething wrong with the video until I realized they were doing that as a dramatic effect, which worked well.


Only Audio

Especially after our audio weeks I feel as though I have a much greater appreciation for everything that happens when it comes to audio. It is actually interesting since the audio of this clip is actually explaining what is happening as it is going on, since the detective is trying to figure out what happened.

Something that this surprise me was the lack of gun shooting that was going on. The music is really what stood out to me. The beginning of this clip has an interesting tune considering that a fight scene was going on at the time. It was a bit of rock music, which would make sense. However, it was the music at the end that really surprised me. It was very religious sounding music, and since I knew what was going on I was slightly confused. Following that was pure panic and a lot of people were then talking over each other. It was hard to understand what they were saying because people were screaming so much.

Put together

Once it was all together it really made a great touch. It really put everything all together and there were certainly things that made a lot more sense once I saw them together. Something that was interesting was that the detective says “they faced 6 guys with guns” when in reality there was only one guy. This emphasizes how great of a shooter he was. I liked how they did not have the sizzle sound of the iron on skin because I don’t think my stomach could have handled that. But I do believe that I picked up on their pain from watching it with audio with the dramatic music.


Thanks for reading!

Princess Karissa

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