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This week we are setting up everything we need to do to create two Video Assignments. We were given free reign on all video assignments, we just had to choose something that we were interested in.

For my first assignment I am chose Where are they now??

The creater, Kiersten Pyrtle’s video sold me on this assignment immediately, you can see it here:

It made me laugh, especially where “Cady” is now, bless her heart! haha (I am terrible!)

This assignment only had one other example, The Breakfast Club. I’ve never seen it before, I am sure this is a crime against all mankind, because it’s a classic. Oh well! But it was really interesting. You can view the video here.

What I like about these videos is that is shows pictures of them in the past and present. In the Mean Girls Video, the creater took some liberty in bending the truth and I think that worked well, because she was going in a comedic route with the video.

For my video, I plan to use the cast of Dirty Dancing. Now if you haven’t seen or heard of this movie, I will assume you’ve been living under a rock! You must know this famous line:

I’ve created a “set” on Flickr specifically for my then and now photos of the actors, if you want to see it, click here.

I’ve taken information off of IMDb and wikipedia pages so I can put information in the video on the “now” picture of each person.

I want to put a song in the background and I think the obvious choice would be to go with this song. Now it’s just a matter of putting it all together!

The second assignment I plan to do is “A word…A picture…A Story

For this assignment you pick 5-10 words that you’ve randomly thought about, ones that just pop into your head and then find a picture associated with the word and create a story out of the words and pictures.

Now in looking at examples of past DS106ers videos for this assignment. I’ve seen it represented two ways. First, people just took pictures of the actually word and plugged it into a video, like this one:

Or another version is where there are both words and pictures of words (ie: the word Lemon is represented with an actual lemon) see here:

So I assume the project can be done in many ways.

Once again, I created a set with my pictures that represents my worried. I’m currently at the beach, so all my pictures are beach related because that’s all I have on my mind. You can see my set here.

I’m toying around with the idea of adding music to this project. I don’t want it to be too much and overpower the story. But I am considering this musical intro to “Carolina Girl.” It’s a great song and fitting since I’m referring the Outer Banks in North Carolina.

To make these both of these project, I will most likely use iMovie, I have some experience with it. I will need to learn how to layer in the music though because that I something I am unfamiliar with and have no idea about to do it.

I’m excited about putting these projects together and seeing how they turn out!

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