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March 28th

The task: Take a photo of an unexpected object found in the earth (think secret treasure)

A Treasure from the Ground

Okay, this was once found in the earth! My roommate is a Geology major, and has this geode. It’s gorgeous! For me, the non-Geology major, it is definitely an “unexpected object”/”secret treasure.” Took this photo in her room.

March 30th

The task: Draw a picture of the best present you ever gave or received.

Best Present ever

I traced the general car outline for perspective in Photoshop. Then I took a brush and drew what I hoped would make it into a car. I put in a shadow and some concrete because my driveway is sectioned off like that. I put in a fence behind the car because that’s what I always see. Oh yea! This is my 2009 Corolla I received for my future graduation from college when I started to attend Mary Washington in 2009.

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