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Weekly Summary 10: Video

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This week was all about video processing and stuff.  I’ve never done any of this kind of stuff aside from the few times I used iMovie to cut pieces of video apart to make a gif with them like the Ray Lewis one here.  I have some trouble with it, mostly because I’ve never really used it, but I started getting the hang of it when I did the scene analysis and finding more stuff about the movie I was analyzing (I wrote them in the same post because I was a little confused I suppose but there’s better continuity).  As I talked about in the post, I have had some experience with movie analysis because I took a class on it which was very helpful for this week.  Obviously YouTube will be the greatest help for anything video, so here’s some stuff on that.  I do enjoy YouTube, but I can’t say there’s a definitive genre that characterizes all YouTube videos.

Overall, this week was much more relaxed than the past couple weeks–the radio one anyway.  That was a big pain in the butt.  But it was also easy because instead of doing a lot of work, we got to plan out things we were doing for next week, which will hopefully come in handy.  It also gave me a chance to see what people did well, and what people did poorly.  Hopefully that will help make mine better.  And I would also like to see if I can make a decision on which one I want to do between the two.

Here are my daily creates.

This is my MacBook which is the best gift I’ve ever been given.  Very handy for anything to do with this class.

This is also related to one of my videos, but I’m not telling you how.

I’m kind of excited about doing all these things for next week, especially since I got to plan them out.  I hope my high hopes come into fruition with cool videos, but you never know–practice makes perfect and I don’t have much practice.

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