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Exploring the Movie Even More

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This assignment asked that we take the clip we chose from the previous assignment “Look, Listen, Analize” and first find three bits of interesting information about it! I went to IMDB and chose these three bits:

“During filming, a paramedic was kept on the set to make sure that Mr. Orange’s (Tim Roth) amount of blood loss was kept consistent and realistic to that of a real gunshot victim.”
I thought that was an awesome attention to detail on Tarantino’s part.

“Quentin Tarantino wanted James Woods to play a role in the film, and made him five different cash offers. Woods’ agent refused the offers without ever mentioning it to Woods as the sums offered were well below what Woods would usually receive. When Tarantino and Woods later met for the first time, Woods learned of the offer and was annoyed enough to get a new agent.”
Honestly, I don’t think I could imagine James Woods playing any of the roles!

“The film’s budget was so low that many of the actors simply used their own clothing as wardrobe; most notably Chris Penn’s track jacket. The signature black suits were provided for free by the designer, based on her love for the American crime film genre. Steve Buscemi wore his own black jeans instead of suit pants.”
Oh Steve Buscemi, you diva you.

Next we were asked to classify the movie and according to both GreenCine Primers as well as AMC Reservior Dogs is considered to be an independent film.

We were then asked to download two more scenes from this same movie. I chose scenes in the same movie in which we again see Tarantino’s long tracking shots.

After we we needed to pic two shorter scenes within these scenes that really illustrated the point we were trying to make in the previous assignment “Look, Listen, Analyze“.

I was able to edit these scenes down using MPEG as well as the tutorial given in our DS106 Toolbox. Once I trimmed my scenes down I mashed all three together and created a totally new scene in which I really emphasized the point I was trying to make.

I know that the transition in between both the clips are not as smooth as I would have liked, but even after playing around with formatting sizes I could not get them to be the same when I played them back. I am really looking for suggestions since I followed the tutorial exactly and still couldn’t get it!

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