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The other assignment that I planned during week 9 was YOLO is the Motto {**}. Oh man. This was fun. First watch my video, then I will explain everything to you. ENJOY :)

YOLO. You Only Live Once. This is something we hear all the time. Does anyone know what it even means?? I don’t think so. My friend and I were running today and she said “we’re running four miles today, YOLO.” The thing is, everyone has a different interpretation of what “You Only Live Once” means. This was my inspiration.

The phrase ‘YOLO’ could actually mean something, if people used it properly. It’s kind of like ‘lol’. When people text you ‘lol’, do you think they actually just laughed out loud??

I thought it would be funny to gather up all of the bad or misused examples of YOLO from Google and compile them into this video assignment. I got the videos from YouTube and converted them into MP4 files via KeepVid. This let me put them into my video on Windows Movie Maker. I also wanted to “interview” people and ask them what YOLO means to them because I wanted to put “my touch” on this movie too. I filmed my interviews on my phone and uploaded them straight into my movie. I had the song on my iTunes and converted it through the online convert website found in the DS 106 handbook.

This video is supposed to show how no one really knows what YOLO means. Everyone has a different interpretation of it because everyone interprets things differently. Because of the ambiguity in when to use YOLO, the phrase is used way too often and in the wrong context. This video sheds some light on this and it supposed to be funny.

I had a lot of fun exploring the different effects on Windows Movie Maker! My first assignment was just putting pictures and audio together. This one involved pictures, videos, and audio – oh my! Interestingly enough, that is every topic we have covered in DS 106 so far… *lightbulb goes off*. I can see why the topics are placed the way they are now.

I can’t wait to keep working with Windows Movie Maker this week!!!!!!!

Blog post title: YOLO – The Lonely Island

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