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Wise Old Men***

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This was a nice startup assignment to get me going for the week.  I got to experiment with iMovie a bit more and figure out things like transitions and credits and such.  I did lots of different things for this.  When considering this assignment, the first thing I thought of was Gandalf and the Wise Old Man Archetype.  Then I thought of several characters that related to the Wise Old Man throughout film and things like that.  I came up with Dumbledore and Obi-Wan Kenobi immediately.  I had a bit of trouble with the other two and just wandered through the internet aimlessly until I came up with the guy from Ghost Rider and Alfred, who is more of a moral guideline for Batman, but it was fitting in some senses.

The second step was finding clips of all the characters that had a good quote of action to use for the characters.  I ended up going to youtube to find these and searching for each character’s name and quotes.  After I found quotes within the videos that were useable, I included downloaded them using iLivid, an app that allows you to download youtube clips onto your Mac.  Here are the videos I used:

I think the pieces I chose demonstrate wisdom that the characters portray.  Obviously, the Wise Old Man is a prevalent character and exists heavily in the movie film genre.  Gandalf is the original old wise man, and, in my opinion, none of these other films would have existed without The Lord of the Rings except for maybe Gandalf.  It really is incredible how so many characters really are the same, exact thing, and it goes much farther back than to Gandalf.  I’m talking Ancient Greek times.  Anyway, here’s my final video.

I put the whole thing together with iMovie.  It was pretty easy to figure out which quote I wanted after I heard it.  The only regret I have is that some of them are quite long and, consequently, made the video longer.  Not the end of the world, but I wish I could have made it shorter.  I also added clips of the names and the names of the movies the characters are from between each character.  Hopefully this does not backfire on me with some random youtube law thing.  It was really just about selecting the right area of quote, dragging it around, and then putting it together.  Then I inserted the character name transitions in between each clip and the ending credits.  After that, I finalized the clips, which took like an hour to put together, loaded it into Youtube, and now we here…

Here’s some of my workspace:

5 Archetype Screenshot

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