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Young Padawans

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The day was still young as the Fandom Princess rapped her knuckles against the wooden door in a specific pattern; three knocks, pause, four, then two.

“What is this place?” Harold, the frog prince, asked from the Princess’s warm palm.

“Home of the Padawans, my darling Harold. We may find some wisdom here yet.”

Before Harold could answer, the wooden door sprang open. Standing before them was a huddle of young children. They were dressed in tan and light colored outfits. Some were humans, some were not, but each of them held in their hands little metallic handles, a bright beam coming from the end of it.

The Princess gasped at the sight. “Young Padawans, put those lightsabers to rest before you do some real damage!”

The children instantly all holstered their lightsaber artifacts and parted aside to let the Princess come in. The door slammed behind her and Harold let out a croak. The room was huge, with different areas designed throughout the entirety of the room. On one side, there were a handful of other children training with their lightsabers. Towards the back, a kitchen area where someone served sloshy, gray soup, and to the right, people dressed as Jedi masters spoke conversationally amongst themselves.

As soon as they looked over and spotted the Princess, they stopped speaking and all bowed to show their respects.

“Expect this to happen for the rest of the day,” the Princess muttered to Harold, who snickered.

She put on a wide smile and approached the crowd of her peers who shared her love of yet another made-up space universe.

“To what,” the group leader began, “Do we owe the pleasure of having your majesty grace us with her presence?”

The Princess cleared her throat. “Well, two things really. The first is that I shall be attending the meeting tomorrow night. I have gotten a bit rusty on my lightsaber skills.” She got a chuckle from the group after this. “The second is I need help. Do you know of any maidens who are pure of heart? I must find her as soon as possible.”

As the Princess and Harold explained her predicament, the Jedi-dressed peers listened intently. Unfortunately, at the end of their tale, they did not have anyone who they felt would be special enough for the frog.

The Princess stroked Harold’s back. “Don’t fret, darling. We’ve still other stops to make.”

For one of the Mash-Up Assignments, I decided to do Growing Up with Drew Barrymore. I was actually really excited because I had been wanting to do an assignment like this for a while, since I’m a bit of a movie buff, and so I was happy and had a lot of fun with this assignment!

For the assignment, we had to pick an actor or actress who has been in film for a long period of time. Our job was to take clips from a few of their movies and put them in chronological order, hopefully showing their growth or progression in their film choices.

I decided to use Kirsten Dunst, who I have always been a huge fan of since her Interview with a Vampire days. She has always been an actress who I admire because she has fun with her roles and seems to fit them so perfectly. Girl can act, end of story.

Next I had to decide which movies I wanted to feature. I knew off the top of my head that I wanted some of the ones she was well known for, specifically Bring it On, Spider-Man, and Marie Antoinette. For some of her earlier works, I decided to start when she was a little girl in Interview with a Vampire, then moved onto Jumanji, and The Virgin Suicides, the movie that people claim to have put her on the map as far as stardom goes.

After jotting down which movies I wanted to use, I scoured YouTube for clips that I thought portrayed her well from each film. This proved to be easy because I knew exactly which clips I wanted to use (like the very famous kiss scene from Spider-Man). Next was actually downloading them. I used Convert.files to convert the YouTube videos into a format that I could used with Window’s Media Movie Maker. From there, it was just a matter of importing the clips, slicing and cutting them to showcase specific parts in the clip, and then adding transitions.

The clips I have used, I hope, show that over the years, Kirsten Dunst has continued to grow as an actress. Yeah, I know most people don’t like her, but I think she’s a strong actress. Landing a role in Interview with a Vampire and beating out other young actresses at the time was a huge deal, especially because she starred with big name actors Tom Hanks and Brad Pitt. From there, she continued to make a name for herself, finally being able to be cast in roles that brought out a sense of rebellion and female strength in various lights.

Ultimately, she is an actress who I believe does wonders on the big screen. I hope you all enjoy the video! It’s a little long, I apologize, but it’s a pretty great montage, I promise! And I’m not just saying that because I’m biased. Haha.

4 Princess Stars!

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