Man let me tell you that I certainly do not miss the daily creates. Like at all. Something that we had to do throughout the semester was submit two different ideas for Daily Creates. One of which of mine got published!
I decided that one of my daily creates was to “Take a picture of a license plate that makes you look twice”. The inspiration behind this idea were my two friends who always tweet pictures with the hashtag #bizarreVAvanityplates. It’s really crazy all of the different license plates people will put. (No lie I have seen 6 PCK BUD as a plate before). If I could have a plate? It would totally be PRNCS K or something of the sort. However, for that day I decided to do a picture that really surprised me:
The second submission I did I can’t remember, so I decided to do another one. I guess that’s what happens when you do it so long ago! So I decided to submit “What is your favorite word and why?” Strange for an math major to come up with, however I do certainly have a lot of different words that I am SO proud of using in conversation. My favorite? Garrulous. How often do I use it in conversation? Rarely. But one day I will impress someone with my false sense of vocabulary!
As for assignments, I decided to do one design assignment (since I loved the designing week) and actually a remix assignment!
To start us off, I went with the design assignment of drawing the definition of the word within the word. Sounds complicated, but you can take a look at the two examples that I posted (one is the thumbnail for the picture and the other is in this blog post). It really was a fun thing to do, and it’s a great learning tool for anyone who wants to be a teacher in the future! I have seen teachers make this an extra credit assignment for students or busy work when they are done with something, and it decorates the room very nicely (but I won’t let my teaching get in the way of my ds106 right now).
The next assignment that I decided to make was one that I am excited to see what other people come up with. I am a sucker for making a fast song slow and seeing how the meaning changes (if it does). I mean there are some songs that just really have no story what so ever, no matter how slow and awesome of a beat you make. However, I’m curious to see how two different aspects of the same story can collide. How do we do this? Have the fast pace music video and the slow paced song going on at the same time. This way, we can see what the meaning is as well as hear what the meaning of the song is. So for the remix assignment I made up, I did just that. You can see my example here.
Thanks for reading, and happy creating!
Princess Karissa
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