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Imagine, Share, and Grow – Casey Ragghianti (Creations and Tutorials)

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Throughout my time with DS106 I have created 2 assignments for future DS106ers.  One is a visual assignment and the other is a mixup/mashup assignment.  I complete one of the two and I plan to do the other at some point (when I have time) in the future.  Check them out HERE!

For the Visual I took each letter of my first name and used pictures to explain part of my personality.  I then put them all together and came up with this great image!



All Me in the Scene is an assignment I thought of after doing an audio assignment where I recorded myself in three voices sing the same song to make an audio clip.  Here you are being every character in a clip and giving them a personality and dialogue all on your own.


Actor Transformation:

1)   The first thing you need to do for this assignment is pick an actor that interest you that has acted in a variety of tv shows or movies over many year of their life.  I chose Lindsay Lohan.

2)   Go on and find a list of the productions you actor has been in.

3) On find a clip of your actor from each film of your choosing.

4)   Using a program to create a film or clip put all of your clips together in chronological order.  This may require some editing.  I used Movie Maker.  Add an intro and some transitions.

5) Upload your final project to including the tags mentioned on the assignment details.

May I take your Order:  For this assignment you are using an accent to order something at the drive through.

1)  Choose what accent you would like to use.  I went with a British accent.

2) Find some of the slang and lingo used to make yourself more convincing.  I used phases such as “oh bugger” and “Fish and Chips”.

3)   Chose what the orderer as well as the person taking the order will sound like and what their personailties will be.

4) Record yourself using an audio program such as audacity.

5)  Edit your clip until you like how it turns out.

6) Upload your clip to and put in the nessacary tags!







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