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Tutorial | Cartoon You

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I decided to make a easy tutorial to turn any photo into a cartoon, or comic style image.

I used Photoshop CS6, but I’m pretty sure the steps are similar in most recent pS editions.

1.  Open an image

File>Open>choose the image

close self portrait

2.  Convert it to Black and White

Image>Adjustments>Black and White>make any customizations you would like within the menu

close self portrait2

3.  Use the Posterize function

Images>Adjustment>Posterize>3 levels

close self portrait3

4.  Make it an Outline Only

Filter>Filter Gallery>Stylize>Glowing Edges

close self portrait4

5. Invert so you can see what you made!


close self portrait5

6.  Color that thing in!

Markers, crayons, paint or digital paint…

close self portrait6

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