This week we had to do six stars of remix on top of the preassigned assignments. For my next remix assignment I did what color is your world? which is worth two stars. In this assignment you had to pick a color and photograph it throughout your day. You then had to pick a song to go along with it that represented that color that you choose.
When trying to think of colors the first color that I thought of what Yellow. This was largely because I really love the Coldplay song Yellow. After just a few minutes of tying to take pictures, I quickly realized that I have like nothing that was yellow. I decided that I was going to have to try to come up with a different song to do this assignment to. After a few minutes of thinking I realized that I had overlooked the obvious song choice, Red. I believe I have used this song previously (because it is a Taylor Swift song and I have used just about every Taylor thing possible at this point) but I knew it would be perfect for this. I started taking pictures for this I realized that Red what a much better fit. I had a TON of red things just around my room.
After taking pictures, I imported them into iMovie along with the song red. I played with the effects a bit to make them flow nicely. After that I cropped the song quite a bit. I choose to go with the original demo version of the song (which was also on her cd) because I thought it fit a bit better. Throughout the song she talks about a multitude of colors (red being the main one) so I cropped it until I was able to find a part that only had her singing about red. Here is my final product:
2 stars down and 4 to go!
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