Now that DS106 of almost officially over (just two blog posts left!) I am given the task to help give advice to future DS106ers. Naturally since this is DS106 we cannot just write and tell future students what we advice we have for them, we have to make some sort of media showing it.
My idea for this media immediately came into my head. Early on in the semester I made a keep calm and carry on poster for one of my daily creates. I remember thinking that I was so witty for coming up with it but now I look back at it and think how poorly done it was. See what a semester in ds106 can do to you?
Anyways I decided that while my original keep calm and carry on poster was pretty poorly made, the idea was good. So I decided for my advice I would make another one of these but modified (and done better).
The main piece of advice that I wanted to pass on to future DS106er (and what I wish I could have told myself at the beginning of all of this) is to not stress and just do your work. There were SO MANY TIMES this semester where I sat in front of my computer waiting for a great idea to come to me. I’d pull everything up and just sit there pretending it was going to magically happen. I’m here to tell you that never ever works. Just start doing and creating. Sometimes you will get way off topic and sometimes you’ll hate what you come up with, but either way you will be creating. The whole point of this class it to be creative. Throughout the semester you’ll learn new techniques and ways to make your things look nice, but not one can teach you to be creative. Just trust yourself and get going! You’ll probably end up surprising yourself. I know I did.
But anyways I ended up doing more talking than I had planned. Here is my media for the best advice I can possibly give you going into DS106:
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