Womp. This has been a steady climb down hill for me, but here’s what I got done for last week’s assignments:
Mashup Assignment:
I made a video showing Natalie Portman’s filmography from one of her earlier films (there were ones before this, but none that I could find footage from) up until now, highlighting her major works. It was really difficult finding clips of her that weren’t fan videos for her and whoever the male lead was in each film.
Mash Up and Remix
For the remixed mash-up assignment, I had to create a movie poster for the prequel to a movie poster that had been created by somebody else by mashing up different movies. The movie poster that was already created was for a mashup of Edward Scissorhands and Black Swan entitled “Black Passion.”
Here’s the original:
I tried keeping the basic format/theme going, but m movie explains how Johnny Depp’s character lost his hands. The actor in the background is actually the actor who played Edward Scissorhand’s creator.
Recycled Media
Using recycled media, I created a story about a princess who discovered that rather than wait for her prince to come save her, she could decide her own fate. The recycled media really made me think to work with what I had available and made the creative process more fun.
For ‘for the remix!’ I took the photos of Cory Doctorow taken by Jonathan Worth and put them into the frames on the wall in another one of the pictures. This was challenging in terms of photoshop because I had to figure out the appropriate dimensions for the pictures to fit into the frames. I wasn’t 100% successful, but I think I did a decent job with a couple of them!
I reviewed a couple of remixes and qualified them as remixes. It’s a pretty boring post, but you can check it out here. I reviewed a remix of Star Wars with Call Me Maybe, a remix of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Twilight, and one of Star Trek with audio from Monty Python. That last one was my favorite.
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