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What was Rapunzel Thinking

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After I finished my project and all my blog post about them I looked back I what I created.

I am pretty proud of the pinterest account I made for Rapunzel’s adventure.  I put a lot of thought and effort into what I wanted to include on her web list.  I thought of things that were needed in travel and the personality of the character I was working with.  I put comments that went along with each and I even followed a couple of other boards and liked some items that fit with the theme and account I created.

The Map I made could have made a little bit more to it.  I like how it looks and that it is easy to follow, but I feel like it was almost too easy.  I used skills i gained during the semester and I edited it, I added a person part with the lantern and even put a place to sleep.  I was picky in my selection of which map to use.  If I were to do it again, maybe I would try to create the map instead of finding a map and editing it.

The audio journal was the hardest to make.  I really needed my ds106 skills for this one.  I recorded my video, got audio from the internet, mashed them together, and used effects.  I am very happy with how this turned out.  I think it really helps the story I am working on come across.  There are even things similar to flashbacks and great narrative to pull the story along.

I think my story came together pretty well.  I am proud of most of the work and I put a lot of time and effort into each part.  There are things I would do differently and others I would change.  If I had even more time I would do some of the already created assignments and do even more to help explain the story further and get across what I wanted.  The written narrative between some of the media was good because small things that were missing were explained there.


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