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Part Two: Finding — ??? x 5?

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Part One

The second assignment that I chose for my final project was drawn from the Wait, Where’d That Guy Come From? web assignment.

I wanted the white rabbit to be travelling and following people in order to find the right Alice. So, to create this part of the story, I went to Google and searched “the white rabbit.” I found a few decent images of the white rabbit (which you can find at the very end of this post) then I began looking for backgrounds to put him in.

This was a bit more challenging because I wasn’t sure the significance of the photos yet. Should they be of Alice’s family? Since he’s trying to find Alice? Should it be more like Where’s Waldo and how he just shows up in random places?

I eventually settled on the Where’s Waldo idea. So I went to Flickr’s Creative Commons page and searched “park.”

I found a bunch of photos that I thought looked “historical” and that would also be easy to include the white rabbit. Easy meaning color, graininess, etc.

Here are the photos with the white rabbit:

RAbbit 5

Photo Source | Rabbit Photo

rabbit 4

Photo Source | Rabbit Photo

rabbit 3

Photo Source | Rabbit Photo

rabbit 2

Photo Source | Rabbit Photo

Rabbit 1

Photo Source | Rabbit Photo

I took each of the photos and tried my best to adjust the the color of the rabbit photo to match. It as so much harder than I thought! I almost got desperate at one point and wanted to load them into Instagram…

But, I couldn’t stoop that low. I had to do this with filters on Corel Paintshop Pro. It just had to happen.

Part Three | Part Four | Final Project

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