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Gardner Campbell: Personal CyberInfrastructure

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The idea of change or a “face-lift” that Gardner Campbell introduces into his lecture and article is something that I think everyone no matter what level ofa  technologically savvy person you are, you definitely have experienced some sort of this change or face-lift.  Whether it was your grandparents first getting a computer to when you yourself first went to college and experienced the vast world of databases and in the class room technologies.

Starting all the way back with newspapers and then leading to the whole revolution of Google and Facebook and Twitter and all of those new technological advances that help convey a “message” to the audience. This message can be a personal one or even an advertisement like message that companies can utilize.

As a kid and young adult in the 21st century, I can personally vouch for how things like Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. have changed the way I live.  I can easily connect with people that would have been virtually cut off from my life had it not been for these advances. This “new human environment” that I was experiencing was a whole new realm of ways that I can convey a message of what is going on in my life to friends and family and unfortunately in some cases, strangers.

I think that as I develop my own online space for this class I will connect even more with the concept of convey a message to the online world/community.  Sharing with people I never even thought possible as before.  Being in college, I can definitely see how these changes will affect the students like it has me in just the short three years that I’ve been in school.  Whether its creating easier ways to attend class or get notes, I really only see it helping me and other students in the future.

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