Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. beauty_b_

    Tutorials for DS106 Assignments

    Here is the link to my tutorial for Hit It!: HitIt! Tutorial Here is the link to my tutorial for Youtube it Your Way!: YoutubeitYourWay When making each of these I tried to keep in mind how I felt when I first started this course. I can remember so many times clicking on assignments and […]
  2. beauty_b_

    Youtube it Your Way! Tutorial

    To begin this assignment first go on Youtube and choose the video page that you want to alter. Next go to this webpage and follow the directions on how to add and use X-ray Goggles on your computer. (This is the tool that will help you alter the webpage): X-Ray Goggles After completing this go […]
  3. beauty_b_

    Hit It! Tutorial

    To begin this assignment you must first choose a image that you think will be situable for this assignment. Make sure that image is saved on your computer.Remember that if you choose to use an image off the internet make sure that it has no text already on it! Here is the link to the […]
  4. beauty_b_

    Assignment Ideas For DS106

    Here are the links to both of the blog post on my assignment ideas: Hit It YoutubeItYourWay Overall, I tried to make these assignment fun for future students and not to tedious. I wanted them to create something that could end up potentially being something that they enjoy. I tried to relate these assignment to […]
  5. beauty_b_

    Youtube It Your Way! Assignment Idea # 2

    Here is the link to the assignment: YoutubeItYourWay (Details about he assignment are on this page) Inspiration: For this assignment I was just simply inspired by the week when we learned how to use X-ray Goggles and learned all about Web Designing. I thought this would be a cool fun way for students to play […]
  6. beauty_b_

    Hit It! My First Assignment Idea for DS106

    Here is the link to the first assignment that I created for the class. Hit It (The details about this assignment are on this page) Inspiration: During the past few months I’ve noticed that funny pictures have become really popular on social networks, especially Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram. Inspired by this, I thought it would […]
  7. beauty_b_

    Where did you get that?! Creating my very own Remix Assignment

    For this assignment, we were asked to remix an existing ds106 assignment.My task was to interpret the assignment given to me by the Remix Generator and complete it. Two assignments: From the Remix Generator I was given Mainstream Chipmunkd’ [Remixed]: What’s The Prequel? Basically I was asked to take a mainstream artist and chipmunk them […]
  8. beauty_b_

    Hey! Ho! Recycle That Media Like Whoa!

    Assignment: For this assignment we were asked to mashup at least 7 different pieces of this media to make a new story, and use at least 2 different types (e.g. audio and image, and video). Inspiration: I honestly looked through all the media and just tried my best to come up with something that looked […]
  9. beauty_b_

    What the Hell is a Remix??

    For this assignment I was asked to do some research on the concept of remix and mashup by reviewing at least two of the references listed on the concepts and analyzing at least 3 of the examples listed. After reviewing everything I was asked to write up a blog post summarizing my understanding of remix, ...
  10. beauty_b_

    Number Two…Here We Go!

    Title: Live Here! Description: For this assignment I was asked to make a 90 second video about why my residence hall is the best place to live on campus. Inspiration: After the description of this assignment I immediately thought about when I was a incoming freshman here at the University and I was trying to ...
  11. beauty_b_

    Lucky Number Three!

    Title: Supercut It Description: For this assignment I was asked to a supercut montage of overused dialogue, themes, motifs, filmmaking techniques, etc. for a particular character, tv show, film, and/or public figure. A supercut is basically a fast-paced montage of short video clips that obsessively isolates a single element from its source, usually a word, ...
  12. beauty_b_

    My Final Video Assignment…Yes!

    Title: Product Review Description: For this assignment I was asked to pick any item around my house that I either enjoy using, find helpful on a day-to-day basis, or even something that you own but don’t find worth the money you payed for it. After picking my item I was then asked to record myself ...
  13. beauty_b_

    My First Video Assignment…Here We Go!

    Title: Movie Scenes That Changed Our Lives Description: For this assignment I was asked to select scenes from 3-5 movies. These scenes were supposed to represent scenes that changed mu life or made some sort of dramatic, traumatic, lasting, or emotional impact on me. After selecting the scenes, I was asked to create a video ...
  14. beauty_b_

    Daily Create Week 10

    This week we were asked only to do two Daily Creates. For the first daily create I was asked to take a picture of a object that represents how old I feel. I decided to take a picture of my Hello Kitty slippers. I feel like I’m still a young kid at heart, so I ...
  15. beauty_b_

    Getting My Tools Ready…To Make Some Movies!

    The first assignment that we were asked to do this week was to research some video editing tools or software and pick out some to have at our disposal. Over the next 2-3 weeks we will be constantly dealing with video assignments. After reviewing the suggested reference pages on the DS106 Website here is a ...
  16. beauty_b_

    Radio Show Reviewing

    Here is my Review for my Radio Show: -During some points in some of the interviews the volume was really low and I couldn’t understand clearly what each person was saying. Other than that I felt that the volume was at a great level throughout the show. -I definitely think that there could have been ...
  17. beauty_b_

    Daily Creates Week 7 & 8

    Here is my Daily Create where I took a picture of someone that means a lot to me. I choose to use a picture of me and my best friend Ashley. This year I have been through so much with this girl and we have grown so much closer! We are pretty much just like ...

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