Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92710 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Ben Rimes

    10 Seconds of Thanks

    It’s only 2 days until one of my most beloved holidays here in the United States, Thanksgiving. A day for families far flung around the country or close-knit to come together and be thankful for all that we are be blessed to have. Whether you’re thankful for your family, a roof over your head, a ...
  2. Ben Rimes

    Go Vote!

    I’m a sucker for performing important civic duties…..and black and white photography. So I decided to craft this impromptu voting poster today with the help of the United States Library of Congress and their awesome digital collection. While I really don’t have much to say this morning beyond the trite “go, vote” mantra that even ...
  3. Ben Rimes

    Pulling Off an Online Book Club

    There’s less than one week to go before the first discussion in what is increasingly my complex attempt to encourage the internet to force me to read a book. It started with the a simple concept; Ben doesn’t read books anymore (I’ve read 1 book this year cover to cover, and even that feels like ...
  4. Ben Rimes

    Help Ben Rimes Read a Book, Please!

    It may come as a shock to many of my educational colleagues and friends, but I’m not “a reader.” Alright, so that’s a bit too blunt. I do read a lot online; magazine articles, blog posts, emails, and other “short form” digital media clippings. When I say I don’t read, I’m using the common idea ...
  5. Ben Rimes

    Lazy Create: Inspirational Classroom Images

    When I was young, I remember the often corny, yet well-intentioned, motivational and inspirational posters that my teachers would tape to the walls. Whether it was kittens, scenes from nature, or celebrities telling me how cool reading is, I noticed that some posters appeared in more than one classroom. Throughout my formative years, certain posters ...
  6. Ben Rimes

    The Hardest 4 Icon Challenge Yet

    I’ve been following Jim Groom’s “Name that 80s movie” 4 icon challenge series, and while he promised that they would become more difficult, I think the many summers I spent glued to the TV watching HBO for hours on end gives me an unfair advantage (I totally nailed the Flash Gordon one). I thought I’d ...
  7. Ben Rimes

    Multitask This!

    Kid these days… They can text rings around us adults, figure out the most complex of technical devices, and multitask so fast that keyboards are in danger of spontaneous combustion from all the furious clicking of keys, right? Wrong! I have yet to see any students exhibit on a mass scale the skills and innate ...
  8. Ben Rimes

    Flickr + Freesound = FlickrSounds

    cat by Nickym007 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License Your browser does not support the audio tag. kitten19.wav What you’re seeing (and possibly hearing) above is the result of some rather clever code & mashup work done by John Johnston, an amazingly creative ICT Development Officer (which is U.K. speak for “educational technology nerd who likes to create nifty ...
  9. Ben Rimes

    How To: Photoshop Magic Lasso

    I’m not much one for creating “how to” videos, at least not ones that I share publicly on a regular basis, but I felt as though I owed it to some of the people whose blogs I’m following to help out a bit with the monolithic application that is Photoshop. Don’t get too excited though, I am ...
  10. Ben Rimes

    Sliding into Summer

    The end of the school year is always difficult for me. Whether it’s due to the fact that I’ve lived my life by the typical North American school calendar stretching back as far as my memory will take me (K-12, then college, followed immediately with my first teaching job), or if I just have a ...
  11. Ben Rimes

    Slow Life Down with Photobooth

    It’s the weekend, time for a few errands, grocery shopping, mending a bit of that landscape edging you promised your wife you’d get to a month ago, and spending some time with the kids. Truth be told, our weekends are usually all sorts of busy here in the Rimes’ household, and I’m sure any other ...
  12. Ben Rimes

    ds106 Technical Difficulties

    In honor of Jim Groom, who can’t quite seem to keep the H.M.S. DS106 in ship-shape (it’s hard, all of us passengers are always banging on the hull and tossing vital equipment overboard). As the counselor of Bunk House 5 at Camp Magic Macguffin this summer, I thought it be best if I lead by ...
  13. Ben Rimes

    Captain America at Work

    What does Captain America do when not saving the world from crazed Nazi scientists? We know he served his country as a part of the U.S. armed forces, and is an integral member of The Avengers, pontificating on what is or isn’t righteous in a rather old-fashioned Americana way. Most recently he spent a few ...
  14. Ben Rimes

    Dear Obstinate Learners

    Sean Astin and Kevin Bacon starred in a film back in the late 80s titled White Water Summer. What starts as a rather innocent summer camping trip meant to help shape a few young men’s outdoor survival skills while teaching important life lessons, turns into a battle of wills. Alan, a teen more focused on ...
  15. Ben Rimes

    Serenity Now!!!

    I’m a huge fan of the Seinfeld TV show. Despite being in middle school when the show first aired, as I began to understand the world with a bit more cynism and farce as I entered high school, Seinfeld came to be the lens through which I perceived the world of hypocrisy, people behaving poorly, and observational comedy. There was ...
  16. Ben Rimes

    Audio, the Red-Headed Step Child of Digital Storytelling?

    Of all the various ways one could weave a digital story, I’ve noticed that audio seems to be the least favorite medium of both educators and students. Video is by far the king of the digital storytelling spectrum, followed very closely by still images and text based stories. Podcasting has been around for awhile now, ...
  17. Ben Rimes

    4 Icon Challenge in the Classroom

    I recently had the opportunity to spend a day in my old teaching position; an elementary technology class. I was always big on working with media when I taught the class for the 4 years I was in the position, so I took the opportunity to give the students a challenge taken from the pages ...
  18. Ben Rimes

    Who Watches the Watchmen?

    Who watches the watchmen? If teachers are to be held accountable now for every single result that their students achieve on any and all testing, who makes sure that every single teacher in a school building is bringing their “A” game every single day? If it falls upon the administrators, then who is it that ...
  19. Ben Rimes

    Circling ‘Round Teacher Created Learning Resources

    I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to escape the circular reasoning behind the notion that “teachers don’t have time to create their own learning resources.” I believe that notion to be completely false, yet walk into any school building and you’ll easily find a good majority of teachers that claim ...
  20. Ben Rimes

    My Animated GIF Day

    Friday, February 10th, 6:15 AM: We interrupt this regularly updated ed tech blog for a series of animated gifs. Consider this experiment in digital storytelling an indication that I’m thoroughly lost in the labyrinthine halls of ds106. Come back throughout the day for updates on how my animated gif “journal” is going. Friday, February 10th, ...
  21. Ben Rimes

    Playing Devil’s Advocate Through Imagery

    I have a pathological need like to argue. It’s something that I was apparently born with, as my mother insists at a very young age I was quite obviously cut out to be a lawyer. Despite my best efforts at self-monitoring and awareness of this trait, I often relapse into base level arguments when unprepared for a ...
  22. Ben Rimes

    Hover Boards as Digital Storytelling Devices

    What is digital storytelling? Rather than bore you with a rather lengthy history of the term, and how it has been applied in the past to both the realms of education and entertainment, allow me to illustrate how I see it with a highlight from Wikipedia: You can continue to read on, and ponder why ...
  23. Ben Rimes

    Four Recursive Practices for Teaching and Learning

      I don’t expect a lot of people to read this post, let alone actually click on the title in genuine interest. It’s not that I don’t think the meta-cognition that takes place around teaching and learning isn’t important, it’s just that many educators I encounter on a daily basis both within and outside of ...
  24. Ben Rimes

    Down the Rabbit Hole with DS106

    To say that ds106 is a massively open online course designed to help learners explore new ways to create digital stories through a variety of media is akin to keeping a feral wolf pup as a pet. They both sound like cute and cuddly ideas, but after spending a bit of time with both, chances are you’ll realize you’ve gotten yourself in ...
  25. Ben Rimes

    Fantasy TED Talks – The Dude Abides

    TED talks are passe, TEDx events are small potatoes, and TED-ED hasn’t really taken off yet. So why not create your own Fantasy TED Talk? Well, you can at least visualize your own ideal fictionalized TED Talk with the help of a few images and your favorite image editing software (like Photoshop or GIMP). The ...
  26. Ben Rimes

    Videos as Visual Writing Prompts – Part 2

    Back in October I shared a few of my favorite videos from Vimeo, and mused about allowing your students to use them as visual writing prompts. The idea was simple. Rather than just give students a piece of text, or some script with which to base their creative writing, why not pull inspiration from another ...

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