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  1. botheredbybees

    html Assignment

    An interesting if unusual first exercise. I'll be trying this on my class tomorrow... Along with doing some work on the quality of my handwriting, which seems to be suffering from a lack of practice. you can see in my closing title tag...
  2. botheredbybees

    back after a bit of a break

    So, that first MOOC didn't work out so well. As it happened I got distracted, sailing Arion, my new home, down from Townsville to Hobart. I had hoped for an idyllic voyage with plenty of spare time for reflection and writing, but it turned ...
  3. botheredbybees

    A 30 second intro…

    For the last couple of weeks I've been sailing a new home back to Hobart with my friend Richard. To take full advantage of a favourable wind we sailed around the clock for 8 days straight, taking turns to man the helm (2 hours on and 2 hours off)....
  4. botheredbybees

    Digging the Seventh Sanctum

    a collection of 'generators' that make random characters, plots, ideas, and more to use in your writing, games, art and more via handy in it's own right - and a goldmine of for extending The 'library' section inc...
  5. botheredbybees

    Digital story telling, here I come…

    I've just signed up for a Massive Open Online Course: Digital Storytelling (see: My now-not-so-secret ambition is to extend, adding an interface for building characters and scenarios and (eventual...

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