Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92895 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. cogdog

    Fallen Off the #Western106 Radio Horse

    More grand plans upended- after dialing back my #Western106 plans as a “trail adjustment”, I was hoping to keep plugging along with the High Noon Radio show on DS106 Radio. Travel, life, work interceded, and I dropped doing the show this we...
  2. cogdog

    3:42 to Yellow Sky

    During this week’s Western 106 High Noon Radio Show, I was talking about my interest in the western films and stories that are situated in and beyond the end of the era, Not that there is a firm line, but films like The Shootist, Lonely Are The ...
  3. cogdog

    How The West Was Lost

    I love this framed print, it’s in my office now. I am fairly sure it was something my ex found as we did yard sales in Scottsdale, she was super good at finding such treasures. “How The West Was Lost” is just dripping with symbolism ...
  4. cogdog

    DS106 Welcomes CU Denver for a Spring 2016 Course

    Yes, I am a placeholder so that the course tag for Learning With Digital Stories will work! This is a graduate class consisting primarily of Instructional Learning Technology majors and Language & Literacy majors. Our students come from a wide range of professional fields and offer a diverse mix of...
  5. cogdog

    Jack ‘n Bat: Some Western106 Shorts

    Ok, I am putting a ton of time into setting up stuff for Western 106, and it’s eating in my time to even do some stuff (what are those, excuses?). Part of Unit 1: Blog Riding Camp was written to have participants explore some short form stories, ...
  6. cogdog

    Howdy #Western106

    I’ve been so busy trying to get Western DS106 set up, making up personas, doing videos, I have not done a lick of work from Blog Riding Camp. People of the west don’t have much use for excuses. So I am done. So I am shooting some blog bul...
  7. cogdog

    It’s an Ecstasy of a Bag of Gold

    At this time almost five years ago, the first open DS106 was launching. One of the early readings then was Gardner Campbell’s seminal A Personal Cyberinfrastructue (the fuel of the idea that became Domain of One’s Own) along with a suggest...
  8. cogdog

    An Unexpected Affirmation for Why I Teach

    Serendipity would have no magic if it did not sneak up on you and lovingly whack you on the side of your normality. On a beautiful Saturday when I ought to be outside playing in the fresh snow, I am instead pounding away at this #%$*@ keyboard working ...
  9. cogdog

    A Fistful of Western DS106

    That’s the classic Man With No Name minimal utterance “Get three more coffins ready” in the clip from Sergio Leone’s spaghetti western masterpiece A Fistful of Dollars (I love how after the gunfight scene that follows he says, a...
  10. cogdog

    “Nobody” in the Spaghetti

    Today’s DS106 / Western Daily Create was to do some “research” on spaghetti westerns: #ds106 #dailycreate #tdc1457 Do Some Research on Spaghetti Westerns — ds106 Daily Create (@...
  11. cogdog

    Taking the Reins of the DS106 Daily Create

    The DS106 Daily Create started January 8, 2012 in a site originally created and maintained by Tim Owens. I took it over a few months later when I went to teach/work at the University of Mary Washington, and populated/tended it until late July 2014. Th...
  12. cogdog

    Solo Rider for #Western106

    I sure were excited ’bout leadin’ a new herd of ds106 calves from the Kansas State University ranch. Me ‘n Bill even planned stuff over beans and a fire and even ole Hatchet Jack was ready to become unfrozen to be doing a new round of...
  13. cogdog

    Bill ‘n Alan Jaw ‘Bout #Western106

    For more of a lead up to a western flavored version of DS106 starting January 2016, I aimed for another video to solicit interest from KSU students, where I will be teaching it. Bill Genereux suggested doing a video that might be able to go on their l...
  14. cogdog

    Adding on to Removed as a Daily Create

    A big hat tip to Mariana Funes for cleverly taking an idea for a DS106 Daily Create into the next level of interestingness. The one for TDC 1384 is called just “Removed”: US photographer Eric Pickersgill created “Removed” a series of po...
  15. cogdog

    Howdy, Pardner! Round Up For #Western106

    This storytelling drive is going to happen. There is a roundup for January 2016, when me and some other riders are gathering to do a new round of The One The Only The Stomp Over MOOCs Open Course in Digital Storytelling, DS106. It’s been riding t...
  16. cogdog

    Giddyup for Western106!

    Howdy! There’s gonna be a ds106 full of western stories and movies that I will be teaching next Spring for Kansas State University. Bill Genereux has been a long time ds106 partner in teaching a Kansas State University course on digital storytell...
  17. cogdog

    Tuco No Ugly

    I do not even want to look to find out the last time I officially completed a ds106 assignment (probably last time I taught, Spring 2014). But I was so inspired by Bill Genereux’s new one, A Scene We Didn’t Get To See: Create a short video tha...

ds106 in[SPIRE]