Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. cogdog

    Headless Weeks 13 & 14: ximeR and M@$#up

    Inspiration Charles Bukowski on the Ideal Conditions and Myths of Creativity, Illustrated by Zen Pencils Remixing! Mashing Up! For the next two weeks you’ll be exploring the culminating ideas of ds106–remixes and mashups– the recasting of existing media into new forms by creative combination and editing. This will build off...
  2. cogdog

    Triple Dog Dare for Remix / Mashups Weeks 13 & 14

    You are tired. Worn out. Your creativity tank is running on empty. You have too much email to read. All you want to do is Vine. You have found other things more interesting things to do than ds106. Too bad. For the next two weeks, the Headless ds106 winds into its last topic – a […]
  3. cogdog

    ds106ic: Collide With Destiny

    It’s time to swan dive back into ds106, I seem to have lost by absence note for the last six weeks. But here, at the tail end of video week comes something more massive than a MOOC, a ship that sails like no other, and for which no iceberg will generate a plot: This is […]
  4. cogdog

    Headless Weeks 11 &12: Making Movies

    Inspiration Who can inspire more (someone will tell us) for telling stories in film than the great Hitchcock? The Ultimate Hitch Cookbook is a student project from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hannover. An animated book containing recipes for Alfred Hitchcock’s classics. Now Make Your Own Recipes!...
  5. cogdog

    The New Kings (& Queens, Princesses, Dolls) of #ds106radio

    Our Four teams of #headless #ds106 participants have really earned their crowns, as we saw heard Tuesday night when we premiered live on ds106 radio the productions of The Merry Hacksters, The 3Ts, the JunioRS, and the Dusky Path of a Dream Team. You can catch another premiere, the UK version hosted by John Johnston and Marian Funes at 8pm BST – tune in at http:?/ And yes, we haz archives! On the Headless Radio Show page, we have not only the shows, but the great pre show and post show discussions hosted by your truly and truly Christina Hendricks last night- find them all at But wait, there is more! It’s all in a playlist on ds106radio, so those in the know can find it and slot it into the schedule at any time. Want to know how to do this? Learn here and there… First of all, […]
  6. cogdog

    Headless ds106 Jumps… the Greek Donkeys Carrying Computers

    Shark jumping is so old. Everyone has done it. Try leaping over the Greek computer bearing donkeys cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by Dave Sag I was trying to think of a ridiculous animal to be jumped, like an 8 headed iguana, and just flickr searching on “hydra” I landed the photo above, which just so begs to be in a blog post. If anything needs to be said about open access, what about creative commons flickr searching and stumbling across a free to use 10 year old photo of a greek donkey carrying computers? How much ore infinite can the web be? (I seek more reasons to write “Greek Donkey carrying computers”). The caption of this photo describes nothing you will see around an EDUCAUSE conference: At lunch on Hellenic island of Hydra when I saw these donkeys carting computers up to a conference. […]
  7. cogdog

    Keep on Designin’…

    I’m overloaded! I can’t keep up in ds106! That does not matter because so many other people are cranking out the design work. But for a recent blog post I got it my head to make a redo of the classic 1970′s image for “Keep on Truckin’” Which turned out rather nicely with maybe 30 […]
  8. cogdog

    PhotoBlitz The Home Version

    I’ve done the ds106 photoblitz for the visual storytelling week a few times– originally this was a shorter in class exercise Jim and did in Spring 2012 where we used DuPont Hall on campus at UMW. IN the Fall of 2012 I did mine With Giulia Forsythe on the Brock University campus, and did it […]
  9. cogdog

    Hangout For Week 5

    Okay folks, we are setting up a live google hangout for Wednesday, September 25 at 9:30am PDT / 12:30pm EDT (check your local time) to talk about photography and the visual storytelling exercises for Week 5 of the Headless ds106. I will kick things off, and we will have Giulia Forsythe there for the first […]
  10. cogdog

    Telling Stories Through the Lens: Week 4

    I’m on tap to help lead The Week 4 of Headless ds106, and I can tell you right now I probably wont do much. I have way overestimated the time just to prep the lessons, and probably like many participants, feel awash in all the flow of stuff folks are doing. That’s normal. But that […]
  11. cogdog

    Redoing the Past Pose

    Maybe my favorite image of my Mom was one I made on her last visit to my home in Arizona. She knew, and obliged in retelling, the stories of her past. I remember asking her about her high school years, because to me, in her photo, she looked so much more mature than high school. I had the idea to ask her to try and recreate the expression in that photo, which I merged in PhotoSHop: cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by Alan Levine Sometime later, it got me thinking of the Dear Photograph site (check it out), and that it was actually more interesting to have in the photo the tangible real original photo. I got the idea to do it in 2011 when my sisters and I had to clean Mom;s house out, and I ended up getting photos of my sisters holding their […]
  12. cogdog

    How to Be a ds106 DJ

    Thanks to Christina Hendricks and Rochelle Lockridge for instigating a Google Hangout (live streamed to YouTube and ds106radio) for people to share their approaches for listening to and broadcasting on the radio. We had participation from east to west across North America, as well as Hawaii and New Zealand! I...
  13. cogdog

    I’m Chuffed at Mariana’s Bravery

    It’s a new word for me (go ahead and giggle you Brits), but I have just finished listening to one of those things that happen fairly regularly in ds106, but can slip by you in the fast flow of all the activity. Mariana Funes aka The ds106 Shrink has been a force of awesomeness since coming into ds106 this summer from Martin Weller’s H817 course, She has taken a lead in promoting the ds106 Google+ Community (of which I was lukewarm). For every call I put out for volunteers, she is pulling off an Arnold Horshack While waiting for some files to load or some database to launch I scrolled through the ds106 tweets from the last day, and found this solo Google Hangout Mariana did– she has been restricted this week from using the computer because of RSI… but that sure did not stop her. And demonstrating the best […]
  14. cogdog

    ds106 vs Zombies

    Since this week in headless ds106 is an exploration of what digital storytelling means, and what happens when it is digital– it might by interesting to participate in the third iteration of a story that plays out in realtime on the web. mainly through twitter– Twitter vs Zombies, happening September 13-15: Welcome to the third round of Twitter Vs. Zombies. Part flash-mob. Part Hunger-Games. Part Twitter-pocalypse. Part digital feeding frenzy. Part micro-MOOC. Part giant game of Twitter tag. This iteration of the game was built to serve, in part, as a networked icebreaker for the participants of Open Online Experience 2013 — but the game is open to anyone on the Internet. Twitter vs. Zombies, or #TvsZ, is a game played on Twitter designed to demonstrate virtual community and teach new media literacy. For the three days of the game, you will have a built-in community on Twitter ready to […]
  15. cogdog

    On the Cover of a DS106 Book

    You should be able to get your pre-order in for Anya Kamenetz’s newest book! This is my submission for today’s ds106 daily create (TDC612) We predict the next book by @anya1anya is about #ds106. Design her some cover art. September 11, 2013 Anya Kamenetz is one of the organizers of the Reclaim Open Learning Contest, […]
  16. cogdog

    Styling Down those Oversized Images in WordPress

    cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by Reema This blog’s crusty old theme (I still like it, sue me) has a pretty narrow width content column, 500px fixed. I typically size my media to fit. Since I have been syndicating content into here from my other blogs– my Barking Dog photo site puts images in at 950px wide, and my ds106 tricks site is at least 800 wide, I end up with posts requiring manual editing. Here is an example, the post originally at ds106 tricks has images 71- px wide, so when they are syndicated here, I get cruft like: The images blow wide, at the top its not horrible, they are behind the sidebars… but it bothers my design sense. I’ve noticed on themes like the stock WordPress Twenty-Eleven -Twelve, -Thirteen that it seems to magically size all images wider than the column width […]
  17. cogdog

    Have You Been Daily Creative in Week 2?

    Already a day late, and much more than a dollar short. I am resisting the apology tone for ds106 week (NO APOLOGIES IN DS106!, NO APOLOGIES IN DS106!). My attention went elsewhere, but if I did anything this week (I think) were some daily creates. Actually I do not remember, I end up paging through […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]