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  1. David Gurri

    Video troubles

    I donā€™t have a video done yet, but I think this deserves its own post. Especially since itā€™s possible that the video wonā€™t be done ever. Turns out, my laptopā€™s strange problem that I mentioned earlier was the least of … Continue reading
  2. David Gurri

    Video troubles

    I donā€™t have a video done yet, but I think this deserves its own post. Especially since itā€™s possible that the video wonā€™t be done ever. Turns out, my laptopā€™s strange problem that I mentioned earlier was the least of … Continue reading
  3. David Gurri


    I wanted to do this with the Beatles, but alas, most of my music is in a format that Audacity can’t accept. Instead, here’s 6 one-second clips from 6 songs of another band. Try and guess which! It’s even easier … Continue reading
  4. David Gurri


    I wanted to do this with the Beatles, but alas, most of my music is in a format that Audacity can’t accept. Instead, here’s 6 one-second clips from 6 songs of another band. Try and guess which! It’s even easier … Continue reading
  5. David Gurri

    Iconic me

    Not completely happy with how this turned out, but that’s mostly my perfectionism speaking. For the most part I’m just upset I couldn’t find a way to make all the circles co-centric; you can barely notice, though, so it isn’t … Continue reading
  6. David Gurri

    We Are All Artists

    I’m really falling behind in class, and have nobody to blame for that but myself. This was supposed to be up a couple of days ago; still, better late than never.So here’s my response to Tim Owen’s discussion. The discussion … Continue reading
  7. David Gurri

    On Michael Wesch

    This will seem kind of short compared to my last post, but I guess I just donā€™t have as much to say. I watched Michael Weschā€™s speech (here and here), and though it was long, it was definitely worth my … Continue reading
  8. David Gurri

    On Gardner Campbell

    Our first assignment involved listening to the words of two different people, but I want to dedicate a full post to the article and speech by Gardner Campbell. Ironically, I ended up agreeing with most of his points, but I … Continue reading

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