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    Please look at this.

    First watch this video: In my opinion (which I know does not carry a terrible amount of weight) “Urban Assault” was the greatest computer game ever made. Unfortunately when it was released (back in 1998 so do not criticize the in-game visuals) the game fell completely flat and was essentially forgotten. I think that the ...

    On everything else.

    There were two aspects of the class which surprised me somewhat. One was the fact that after the first half of the semester the concept of telling stories and examining what it means to be a story seemed to fall somewhat by the wayside. I was also under the impression that more formal sorts of ...

    24: Analysis

    I did not find the final project to be particularly difficult as none of the posts required a great deal of work. It was actually rather enjoyable to work on a series of small projects. The greater challenge though was being able to pace myself. I was able to think of a little over a ...

    23: BTAS: greatest televison show ever

    ^Leopard                                                                ^Fox                                                                 ^Mr. Freeze “Heart of Ice” was the the fourth episode of “Batman the Animated Series”. It won an Emmy Award. Not many other television shows are recognized at being that good that quickly. Warner Bros. actually uploaded the episode. I strongly suggest taking ...

    22: “Actually this is a bit cheap.”

    Exactly two months ago I uploaded something very similar to this, but that was before I had determined what my final project would be. I like this version far better. I managed to give Fox a more realistic posture and a sharp tie (although Leopard still looks odd). I have no idea what he is ...

    21: Fall Gelb: historic example

    Just as a note Alphonse Georges knew that the Ardennes was the Achilles Heel of the French defense. He was categorically ignored by Gamelin, commander of the French Army. This should not be terribly surprising as Gamelin’s headquarters both before and during the invasion of the West was an old castle in the middle of ...

    Octan, Acme, Ewing, Wayne

    So I thought to myself “how many fictional universes can I cram into a single fanfiction project?”. Listing out stock options seemed like a fairly good idea. Market values were calculated using Nasdaq listings as a rough guide. I am fairly certain that the “evil magacorporation” is a fairly well known device. What would happen ...

    Brief für zukünftige Studenten

    Everything noteworthy about digital storytelling can be related to the fact that classwork consists of a very large number of small projects. “Digital storytelling” is given a very broad definition and quite a fair number of interpretations are covered in the class. Nearly every week there will be a new project or set of assignments ...

    19: Newly discovered frescos from Tiryns

    Essentially all of the Greek myths were formulated by the Minoans and Myceneans so it would not be terribly surprising is the same were true of some of Æsop’s fables. Indeed most of the supposed legends surrounding Æsop are regarded as being completely fabricated. This particular fresco was inspired by those in the Tsountas House ...

    15: ohne Fuchs

    “I wonder where Fox has run off to. Is that me? My, I am quite good looking.” (That lower figure is supposed to be a reflection but I did not want to have to deal with all of the spots.)

    14: My language

    ^Leopard                                                                                                           ^Fox I am probably going to receive some flak for posting this but snowboarders ruin everything. Supposedly this hatchet was buried fifteen years ago but it still bothers me. Boarders seem unable to share the slope. They also scrape off all the snow. Being a deviant is not very appealing if you cannot last ...

    12: Troll Quotes II Sharp Ears McCloud

    Sharp Ears is the eponymous main character in “The Cunning Little Vixen” by Rudolf T?snohlídek. The image is from the BBC film of the opera adaptation by Leoš Janá?ek who completely ruined the story. I highly suggest reading the original book though. Fox McCloud is of course the main character from the Star Fox series ...

    Creativity is not art.

    Creativity is not the same thing as creating art. Mashups cannot be considered art because the creator did not add any new material. It may be creative or interesting or intriguing but it is not art. Remixes, though they may add some new material cannot be considered art either because they fit into a frame ...

    Placeholder Names

    I decided to write a very vague company history using as many placeholder names as possible. There are a few other little jokes hidden on the page. I am not very impressed with what I have done. On the other hand navigating through programming languag...

    11: Very Fanatical Fanfiction

    Here is what the story would look like if written in the D’ni script.  Just as a note this is a direct transliteration from English, not an actual translation. I am not nearly that devout (besides I doubt that such a lexicon exists).

    09: Almost plagiarism.

    Almost plagiarism, but not really. Actually this is fairly accurate fan fiction as Dionne did become class president and Autumn is an under – appreciated genius. How well everything melds together. Speaking of webcomics and this class the &#8220...

    05: “I want a full report on this.”

    There is quite a bit of discussion of the Reynard Cycle in this report, no? Oh well, that is perfectly acceptable as he was quite a scoundrel as well and quite a few of Æsops fables ended up becoming part of the cycle. I should give credit to Martin Wallen for illuminating the importance of ...

    04: Troll Quotes “Brothers Æsopeineke”

    The brothers Grimm did not include this story in “Kinder- und Hausmärchen”. The date 1761 has nothing to do with anything. The woodcut is from the 1498 edition of “Reynard the Fox” published in Lübeck entitled “Reynke de Vos” (Low German). Unfortunately Reynard does not appear in this block but King Lion does look like ...

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