Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. John Johnston

    pixel sortin’

    I am not sure if western106 is going ahead, but I was interested in using it to play around (starting with some gifs). I’ve discovered an interest in pixel sorting although I am not sure I really understand it. I installed EVA-01/pxlsrt the other day and played around a bit. Today I grabbed a public domain […]
  2. John Johnston

    By: Kathy Onarheim

    YES! I was wondering how long it would take you to add sound to one of them. It does make a difference doesn't it? Looks like you may have done a can-can of sorts yourself - that leg action looks pretty much on target with the circling of the toe. :-)
  3. John Johnston

    Can Can

    I’ve been trying a few things out for GifItUp2015 and this one seems to ask for sound, click to play: More about GIF IT UP 2015 and here GIF IT UP – DigitalNZ Original image Edmée L[escot] public domain Jacques Offenbach – Overture to ‘Orpheus in the Underworld’e, public domain from
  4. John Johnston

    By: StefanieJ

    This is just great, both, the artwork and the description on how you did it. It is a completely new idea to me to involve programming in making gifs, especially using a command line. I am not very friendly with command lines, but I may try now, following your description and using the software you have linked to. Thanks for sharing :)
  5. John Johnston

    By: M Funes

    Love it! I love the last one with many frames yet I do like the white bits makes it look like papyrus...I can see how using the command line can give you good results quicker...I keep meaning to install Homebrew and gifsicle! I love the ease with each you can manipulate many frames that way and then make pretty in Fireworks. Zooming in effect sounds awesome! ;)
  6. John Johnston

    By: Kathy Onarheim

    John - this is a great help - over my head at this time, but your narrative and steps is a great stepping stone for jumping in and attempting to learn something new. The energy is in the figuring out as you have described in your post. Reading what goes thru your head is so much more helpful than a recipe to recreate. You add the part that allows others to take it to their own next step. You are one who does the good in this crazy online space - thanks!
  7. John Johnston

    Taking Command of Gifs

    These are some notes on creating gifs and manipulating images on the command line on a mac. I am pretty much at the limit of my knowledge here so some of the details may be sketchy. It seems to me that this allows one to iterate through various ideas quite quickly. I do often take […]
  8. John Johnston

    By: Mariana Funes

    Heh! I have no idea why it is so compelling but it is...kind of like gif TV. What is next? A DS106 version of Giphy? I can see it being great for backgrounds in film and animated gifs....also you can do a kind of pechagif with each frame at 20 seconds and then next one switches on... Awesome anyway, even with no practical use whatever.
  9. John Johnston


    GifDub Using Neocities who say We provide free web hosting and tools that allow anyone to make a website. and Neocities will never sell your personal data or embed advertising on your site.. GifDub is a sort of sound and gif mashup using the Giphy Api and Freesound API. The idea is to play several […]
  10. John Johnston

    By: Alan Levine (@cogdog)

    MAD MAD GENIUS! Seems to play on most devices. Well, 2 that I tried. I'd like to give it a spin. It can be a good impetus to do minimal sized stuff. Send me a copy, please! Or slap that thing in github. Its a bit funny because I tracked a few web sites that were offering a service for doing audio gifs and none of them I could see really caught on widely.
  11. John Johnston

    GifMovie a Plugin

    I am much more excited about this than it warrants. Hopefully just above this text you will see a canvas still image with a play button. Clicking on that should load a gif and an audio loop. I’ve played with this sort of thing before but this is a bit more serious. A WordPress plugin! […]
  12. John Johnston

    DS106 GiF TV Needs You

    I don’t think I am going to make many of my targets for credits in prisoner106 this week. Friday and I’ve not watched any of the footage yet. I’ve stayed in my Village apartment watching the DV. More specifically DS106 Gif TV. I though it might be time to write a bit here about that. […]
  13. John Johnston

    By: Kathy Onarheim

    Interesting combination and seems effective. I am onboard with the iMovie statements- not sure I like the current version as much as older versions. It really is for drop and go, almost like ready to wear and that sometimes seems to constrain ones own creative voice or intent. However - then I see work by @JanWeb3 who can really make it rock and does it on an iPad to boot. So maybe it is just having to spend some practice time in it.
  14. John Johnston

    Slow Subterranean Blues

      Think that I might need some credits this week as I need some digging tools from the store. So I had a look through the assignment bank and found this: ds106 Assignments: Sound to Visual with 3 credits. Using creations you have already completed in #ds106 – select an audio project you were happy […]
  15. John Johnston

    By: Christina Hendricks

    I like that sign too; very clever! I find it really interesting that you, Melanie and I all did the four icon challenge for the same episode. I made mine, looked at the assignment page to get the right tags, and found yours and Melanie's there. It's cool that we picked different things to focus on. I want to do the web club. I will do the web club. I need to get off my butt and do the web club.
  16. John Johnston

    By: Melanie

    For someone who feels negative about design (as you stated in your most recent post :) ), you certainly have a talent for deconstructing a piece of media and building it back again. Intriguing process and product!
  17. John Johnston

    Week Four Review: Design

    My ideas around escape or rather not attempting to escape seem to be reflected in the surveillance tapes we were directed to watch this week. Number six seems to be more involved in Village Life and made fewer attempts to escape. My own week reflected this, I got out a bit more and continued to […]
  18. John Johnston

    Village Webmaker

    A friend pointed me to this assignment, which has never been done before, 2 credits to spend in the shop. For this design assignment you are tasked to create an attractive advertisement/flyer for some type of event. Be creative. Any event will do, but the point is to entice people to want to attend your […]
  19. John Johnston

    By: Mariana Funes

    Interesting how we have our trails of interest....such a lot of work, yet the look of combining frames your way is really special. I love the end result. I wish I could get past the first hurdle and get Handbrake to work. I would love to be able to try the combine x number of images, I think there is something lovely and uniquely digital about this kind of art. Kind of what Brett Victor says about using the tool not just to make art we make physically but also looking to use it in native ways - I think your art does that.
  20. John Johnston

    Resigned: Scene Poster

    Capture/Screenshot a scene from an episode of a TV show or a movie and try to make a poster for that episode or movie. Try to make it cool! Be creative! Making it suspense can be a good one! from: ds106 Assignments: Scene Poster   Methods: Export frames from episode with ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i 'Hammer […]
  21. John Johnston

    Gifs begin where words leave off

    A quick gif with audio. A warm up watching Hammer into Anvil. An interesting episode, no escape attempts but a moral crusade by Number 6 and a battle of minds with Number 2. More fist fights and physical action than most of the episodes so far, kosho looks like fun. Another ds106 Assignments: Animating #Prisoner106 for an […]
  22. John Johnston

    The Village Web Club

    After all the commotion last night I was surprised to hear from the General this morning. She asked me to set up a new club. I was even more surprised to here the general taking over the morning announcements. You should be able to hear the talk by clicking the image above, in case you can’t […]
  23. John Johnston

    Week three in the village

    It hardly seems any time at all since I arrived in the Village, the third week sped by. I’ve not done too weel in ticking off items in holiday itinerary. I did try, but got a bit distracted (more in a later post about that). I managed a few snaps for the photo safari. The […]

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