Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. John Johnston

    #noir106 Supercutting

    Just a quick test of my supercutting. Logo added with Quicktime pro. The Big Steal describe by Wikipedia as: a 1949 American black-and-white film noir/comedy reteaming Out of the Past stars Robert Mitchum and Jane Greer. The film was directed by Don Siegel, based on the short story “The Road to Carmichael’s” by Richard Wormser.
  2. John Johnston

    #DS106 Flickr Daily Creates Pummelvision style

    I’ve been playing around with downloading groups of flickr photos and making very quick videos from them. Just blogged some of the process over on my main blog. Being a wee obsessive about this sort of stuff, I’ve created a script that will download all my photos with a particular tag, say dailycreate, and string […]
  3. John Johnston

    Schooling the Wire

    Three SuperCut videos from season 4 of the wire on the words, school, schooled and schooling after a prompt from Jim Groom. Made with @johnjohnston Could you grep supercut “school” in Season 4 of #TheWire and maybe “schooled” separately to see the distinction #wire106 — Jim Groom (@jimgroom) November 15, 2014 I was surprised […]
  4. John Johnston

    A Week of Creates

    It has been a while since I gave the The Daily Create much attention. When I started having a longish train commute I though I do more of this, but the British Rail free wifi blocks flickr and I lost the habit. I do look in on the home page and see tweets and last […]
  5. John Johnston

    Practising Reflection

    Fearless Reflection by Sandy Brown Jensen I thought I’d have a wee go at Mariana’s Art on the Couch process. Mariana is carrying out the project to learn about critiquing art, and: Critique is often most instructive for the person offering it. In looking at other people’s work, and formulating your opinion of it, you’re […]
  6. John Johnston

    Colour of the Wire

    After the last post I’ve watched a few more episodes and have arrived in Season 3 of the wire. I though it might be interesting to see the overall colours of different episodes or seasons and compare them. Following the same path1 as in the previous post I created a montage of screenshots from Episode […]
  7. John Johnston

    Chain of Command

    (the above gif has nothing to do with the rest of the post, other than it is to do with the wire.) A while back I posted about gifboard and it’s bigger brother storyboard. I’ve played a bit with storyboard and the wire this week. Storyboard is a command line application which creates pdfs from […]
  8. John Johnston

    all in the game

    My last couple of posts have been about using and setting up Videogrep is a python script that searches through dialog in videos and then cuts together a new video based on what it finds. Basically, it’s a command-line “supercut” generator. I’ve been thinking about how to use it, especially since Jim Groom gave […]
  9. John Johnston

    and all the pieces matter

    This is a quick intro to installing a tool for making supercut movies. Written in haste, consider it a rough draft. Videogrep is a python program run from the command line. This is quite different from using applications with a GUI. I am hoping to write up a few different tools I use for […]
  10. John Johnston

    a little slow, a little late

    You cannot lose if you do not play. My first post here since April! I missed the whole of the burgeon experience and have done only a handful of daily creates. I am not saying sorry, I have made a few artefacts and experimented with some stuff that is pretty #ds106. There is no really […]
  11. John Johnston


    A random Gif A while back I posted about the DS106 random gif api, a rather daft piece of fun: 106 drop in » Blog Archive » Gif Scraping and a DS106 Gif API. The api seems to be working well and I’ve used it on DS106 GiF TV which is still a work in […]
  12. John Johnston

    Go Jim, Stop Jim

    Riffing off this: Educator, Learner | Animate (SOME) of the GIFs! – Educator, Learner And recalling this: Not an animated gif Click Jim to toggle the animation. I’ve piut this in Mozilla Thimble if you want to remix or look at code: toggle sprite.
  13. John Johnston

    Why Gif?

    There is an interesting conversation going on over in the DS106 google group. Sandy Brown Jensen makes some great points which finish with So for me it has nothing to do with the aesthetics of the gif itself and more to do with crafting a context where placing a gif makes sense. .Sandy has a […]
  14. John Johnston

    Gif Scraping and a DS106 Gif API

    It started, as so many things do, with a tweet(bark?) from CogDog linking to The Best of ds106 GIF TV. This got me thinking of how to automate the gathering of gifs. I remembered that I had done some gif scraping a while back: Doug’s Gifs. I wondered about scrapping tumblr in the same manner […]
  15. John Johnston

    Faster, Faster, Gif, Gif

    I’ve been having quite a lot of fun with animated gifs recently. Mariana Funes @mdvfunes posted a method developed by Michael B Smith for making gifs from fast cut bit of video. Mariana’s post: The Altered State Gif Technique gives the details. I’ve been doing some experimenting around this. First I just googled fast cut […]
  16. John Johnston

    By: Alan Levine (@cogdog)

    Another John Johnstone masterpiece about ds106 that I must put on the site. I love the meta-ness of a creation for ds106 exploring ds106. And also, you do here what I hope more people did so well, to narrate and share the process, especially on how yo...
  17. John Johnston

    Exploring the territory

    Yesterday’s Daily Create looked interesting: Exploration video. Maybe you’re exploring a new land, the depths of quarks, outer space, the mind, the soul, etc. Given the excessive rain, I started thinking about exploring the mind, vaguely thinking of some sort of psychedelic movie, or even La Belle et la Bête which I’ve grabbed more than […]
  18. John Johnston

    My Tate Collection

    You will need to click on the thumbs to see the action. A few gifs for the 1840s GIF party: call for submissions | Tate. I’ve already posted them on Tumblr, but thought I’d add them here. See the previous post for more details.
  19. John Johnston

    But is Gif Art?

    I’ve come across a couple of interesting projects this week involving animated gifs. 1840s GIF party: call for submissions | Tate and The GIF the Portrait Project. So far I’ve giffed a few images from the the Take 1840 exhibition. I then to find animating gifs as an end in itself, it is interesting that […]
  20. John Johnston

    Threading Bullets

    A the end (or endless end) of the headless ds106 course, Mariana published a wonderful reflection on her tumblr DS106 in 106 posts and 106 bullets published at 1:06. Mariana and I have been musing on a collaborative project based on the list. As she commented on her own post: * An exclusive Radio Show […]

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