Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. John Johnston


    Cubomania! Yesterday’s daily create was an interesting one: Create a Self Portrait Cubomania Style Cubomania is a surrealist method of making collages in which a picture or image is cut into squares and the squares are then reassembled without regard for the image– One of the nice things about the daily create is the […]
  2. John Johnston

    The Case of the Missing Tag

    Photo edited from Labels by Mrs Magic Some rights reserved Yesterday the DS106 daily create was Create an outograph- an image where the subject has been cut out This technique was coined by beat poet Ted Joans; see some examples from Believe the Impossible Upload your photo to flickr and tag it dailycreate and tdc725 Sounded […]
  3. John Johnston

    Automating autocomplete Gifs

    I saw an autocomplete poem on tumblr today which reminded me of Illustrating Odd Autocompletes | Bionic Teaching and the ds106 assignment that came out of it. Illustrating Odd Autocompletes. On another post, Internet Ephemera – Sociology Edition Tom Woodward has a flickr slide show of some autocompletes, which made me think of creating an […]
  4. John Johnston

    Simple Glitch update

    Click the image for some sounds. A while ago I made a simple way to add sounds to gif I though it might add something to a glitch-gif, there are plenty of glitch sounds over on freesounds. p_glitches1.wav by pulse00, Creative Commons — Sampling Plus 1.0 I’ve updated the glitch app a bit, adding some […]
  5. John Johnston

    New GIFaCHROME technology in development

    Layercake, is a developing technology for the GIFaCHROME camera. Layercake is not quite ready for release but we have a few test images which give some idea of the affordances of the new subsystem. Layercake allows your images to take a jump out of the frame. Currently it is not known if Layercake is a […]
  6. John Johnston

    Pioneering use of GIFaChrome

    Recently discovered in the back of a dusty drawer is compelling evidence of the early adoption of the GIFaChrome format by pioneering female photographers. These women were not discouraged by the predominant male view that the photographic image should be static or that the gif format was not suitable for serious subjects. The rare filmstrip […]
  7. John Johnston

    By: Stefanie

    I never use g+. I 'm not sure why. I've heard they are collecting a great deal of data, which makes me feel uneasy to use it. However, interesting post! I love the gif!
  8. John Johnston

    By: John

    Alan, I totally share your concerns. I am afraid I might have lost that in a rather rushed post. I wish g+ worked in a different way! say like Disqus can the discussion could be displayed on a blog. I feel that embedding a screenshot in the post here is messy. But, also like you I've loved the energy in this quite small round of ds106. G+ seems a good place to riff. Btw I am an admirer of all three 'characters' in the triple troll.
  9. John Johnston

    By: Alan Levine (@cogdog)

    Touché -- and I am going to take a step back and aim to be more open minded about Google+ for much of what I see as problems could be turned around and said for twitter (much flows by, hard to manage history, search issues). My main concern is if G+ or twitter becomes the only place people put the media they create. We lose the reflection, the narration, and also the ability to connect back to things like the assignment bank. Your Wikipedia GIF is a great example of taking a Daily Create in a new, unexpected direction. I have been impressed with the energy of the headless ds106ers who have made G+ an active place, and that is a positive to me. The idea for the Collaboration GIF story, the GIFachrome, the glitchy art all seemed to be things that largely were brewed in that place. And I have to agree that there are some serious considerations to be made about the size of the active group in either of this spaces. Now I am honored to get a Double Triple Troll Quote- if only for being a smart*** in Google plus? +1 #4life
  10. John Johnston

    Can We live Outside Google?

    It is only those who do nothing who makes no mistake. ― Pyotr Kropotkin, Anarchism: A Collection of Revolutionary Writings This daily create started out with the memory of the common Anarchy graffiti, with the A is a circle. Anarchy by Jonas B I presume that I must have had the definition in the back […]
  11. John Johnston

    Grin and Bear it

    A new DS106 assignment ds106 Assignments: Illustrating Odd Autocompletes by Tom Woodward. Google Autocomplete is an oracle with strange powers to bring oddities into your life. This assignment asks you to seek out that randomness. Start with a strong phrase (things like “I hate . . .” or “I love . . . ” seem […]
  12. John Johnston

    Maze of DS106

    This started as a daily create, Create a Ghostly Portrait of Someone Who Is Participating in ds106. I added Tina to Seth’s wonderful In Case of Fire Move to the Nearest Exit which was a response to the daily create: Draw something on fire. THe first version, peek a Tina was static, but I quickly […]
  13. John Johnston

    GLITCHaCHROME DS106 Glitch-Gifs

    I am not sure what week it is in the Headless 13 season of DS106! After moaning about google plus, I’ve used it more than any other way of keeping hold of the ds106 tale. I still do not like the locked in nature of plus, but have to admit is it easy to use. […]
  14. John Johnston

    Who Loves Ya, Cory?

    So I am looking at Headless Weeks 13 & 14: ximeR and M@$#up, there is a lot of stuff to watch, read and think about. There is also Alan’s Triple Dog Dare for one is: Remix a photo of Cory Doctorow Which I’ve done before. So I end up on my usual ds106 pattern, browsing […]
  15. John Johnston


    So at the start of this week I though I’d get back into the headless course and do some video assignments. I spent a while looking through them but this one looked like it would be fun: Download different scene clips from one movie to create a short commercial for DS106. Clip, trim and remix … … Continue reading
  16. John Johnston

    Where in the world is ds106?

    Chatting to Alan Levine yesterday we had a wee idea about putting ds106 participants on the map. I suggested that it might be an idea to use Audioboo. The RSS feeds from audioboo have location data that can be used in google map mashups. I know I already had the code to put my own […]
  17. John Johnston

    A Transformation

    So I’ve not giffed much recently. Last week I decided to join in with the ds106 offshoot, A Collaborative Story with He had to run for his life, this then helped with the design assignment from two posts ago. Collabogiffing – Community – Google+ Given a bit of free lunch time time today I […]
  18. John Johnston

    Every Story Tell a Picture

    For the Headless Group Radio Show I’ve been working with Rochelle and Seth. I think I originally proposed this: Thinking of stories with little narrative, without conclusions, that put a picture in your mind. Perhaps stories from your family, your people with little detail… Perhaps some other idea… But our discussions roamed far and wide. […]
  19. John Johnston

    Trading Paradis

    Again I’ve not been keeping up with ds106, over the last couple of weeks the only thing I’ve managed to do is collaborate on the radio story. I’ve not even been reading other folks posts I am afraid. I did notice a Collaborative Story that is an offshoot of ds106 with folk taking some […]
  20. John Johnston

    By: @mdvfunes

    I love your time lapse! A transformation without a transformation...but the clouds are forever transforming :-) And good idea about the comments. It would be great though if we all followed Alan's suggestion to use #talkingheadless106 then we can just use google to see the conversation. I think it is a great idea, but relies on all of us remembering and using the same hashtag. I keep forgetting to tag... I enjoy your wee apps too :-)
  21. John Johnston

    Late Creates

    I have been completely missing from DS106 this week, time to catch up? Today I had a a pile of stuff I wanted to get done, websites to update, blog posts to write, a pile of audio from TeachMeet to edit and publish. I decided to go for a hillwalk instead, the wind was fair […]

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