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  1. @Katie___Donovan

    A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing

    For this assignment, I had to combine the logo of rivals. I decided to do Popeyes Chicken and Chick-fil-a. I began by getting a picture of both of their logos. Then, the photos were imported into Adobe Illustrator. I removed the P from Popeyeā€™s logo and replaced it with the C of Chick-fil-aā€™s.
  2. @Katie___Donovan


    Iā€™ve taken design courses in the past, so I am fairly familiar with it. The elements of design are: line color shape size space texture form contrast value typography symbols & metaphors balance rhythm unity & harmony Graphic design isĀ purposeful planning that uses any combination of forms, pictures, words, and meanings to achieve oneā€™s goal.Continue reading "Design"
  3. @Katie___Donovan

    Audio Story

    I donā€™t listen to podcasts and audiobooks very often. I always forget how entertaining they can be. For this assignment, I listened to From Tree to Shining Tree. I think that the background sound effects, noises, and music adds a lot to the story. The music helps set the mood. Sound effects creates the tone.Continue reading "Audio Story"
  4. @Katie___Donovan


    After reading the article Photographer Files $1 Billion Suit Against Getty for Licensing Her Public Domain Image, I learned about the struggles photographers might face relating to their creative property. Once an image is taken, the photographer instantly has copyright ownership of it. The photographer Carol Highsmith shares her work with the public domain. ThisContinue reading "Copyright"

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