Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @LeslieMiyazono

    Humpty Dumpty did NOT sit on a wallā€¦

    The assignment posted for the end of week four seemed to be a little confusing.  Minimal instruction was provided, unlike in previous weeks.  While the mid-week assignment was filled with various cinematic filming techniques, there was never any direction given on the actual video editing aspect of film.  As a result, all of my video …

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  2. @LeslieMiyazono

    So Much to Do, So Little Time

      This video is to fulfill video assignment #2030 entitled “Where do your shoes take you?”  It is worth three stars.  The requirement is to depict a video story using only the viewpoint of one’s shoes.  This version, however, shows a day in the life of Humpty Dumpty.  From the moment he awakens, his day …

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  3. @LeslieMiyazono

    The Making of Humpty Dumpty

      This video is to fulfill video assignment #1925 entitled “#SixSecondArt.”  It is worth two stars.  The specification is to produce a six second video of a creation of art. This assignment was chosen because it partly relates to the nursery rhyme character selected for the mid week assignment.  The video shows the construction of …

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  4. @LeslieMiyazono

    The Lenny Movie

    The video below is to fulfill video assignment #2234 entitled “Pupper Appreciation.”  It is worth 2 stars.  Since the blog is entitled “Adventures in the life of a dachshund,” this assignment is a personal favorite.  Basically, the directive is to create a short video montage of a favorite pup, and Lenny the dachshund was selected …

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  5. @LeslieMiyazono

    Hereā€™s looking at you, kid.

    The beginning of this week did not prove to be terribly strenuous, however a great deal of reflection was required.  This week, the class is tackling the topic of film.  Numerous sources of information were provided to us, mostly to educate on various cinematic techniques introduced by various filmmakers that became both trademark and influential …

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  6. @LeslieMiyazono

    Directing the Audience Through the Film

    In addition to reading Roger Ebert’s essay, the class was also tasked on reviewing various videos highlighting cinematic techniques.  Upon viewing a minimum of four videos, a personal observation on how these techniques may influence our perception of video production is required. The first video selected is the one titled “Kubrick – one-point perspective.”   One-point …

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  7. @LeslieMiyazono

    The Dark Side of the Moon

    Scary noises, such as creaky doors and howling wind, could possibly trigger an apprehensive or uneasy emotion to the listener.  A conceivable conclusion is that the listener may feel threatened or simply just afraid of the unknown.  The audio assignment below is a compilation of undesirable sound effects, designed to create an environment of distress …

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  8. @LeslieMiyazono

    A positive attitude changes everything

    How you begin your day can affect the outcome.  Getting up on the wrong side of the bed is a figure of speech implying a grouchy or irritable state of mind, especially when the day’s activities are not in line with one’s normal disposition.  Your attitude and actions can have a strong effect on your …

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  9. @LeslieMiyazono

    Vamos a Mexico!

    Vacations typically start out stressful.  Ensuring necessary items are packed, meeting flight departure schedules, and accounting for unforeseen traffic delays can cause anxiety to even the most prepared and well seasoned traveler.  However, arriving at the destination can be a rewarding experience despite all the hassle that previously occurred.  Below is an audio story using …

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  10. @LeslieMiyazono

    ā€œFreedom Towersā€ ā€“ April 4, 2023

    What if the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 never happened?  What would the World Trade Center Twin Towers look like today? These are the questions selected for the Alternative History assignment.  A proposed alternative – if the Twin Towers were never demolished in the terrorist attack, would there be a ceremony commemorating …

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  11. @LeslieMiyazono

    Sound the Alarm!

    What is audio?  How does audio work for you? Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines “audio” as “of or relating to acoustic, mechanical, or electrical frequencies corresponding to normally audible sound waves which are of frequencies approximately from 15 to 20,000 hertz.”  “Sound” is defined as “a particular auditory impression.”  Most of us take sound for granted.  Being …

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  12. @LeslieMiyazono

    Sound Advice ā€“ how to stay connected with your audience

    This week, our class has been tasked with learning about audio creation and how this type of media can be utilized to present a story in a very compelling or imaginative way.  Every morning, during my fifty minute commute to work, I listen to the TODAY show talk radio, Channel 108 on SiriusXM.  This is a …

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  13. @LeslieMiyazono

    And the cow jumped over the moon..

    Our class was asked to listen and reflect on Moon Graffiti by The Truth Podcast.  It presents a hypothetical alternative to the historical event of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landing on the moon on July 20, 1969. I found this podcast to be morbid and a little uncomfortable.  The eerie music playing in the background …

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  14. @LeslieMiyazono

    GIFs and Kalidoscopes

    This daily create is to fulfil the prompt that was posted on June 4.  It is to create a Graphics Interchange Format or “GIF” on a painting or artwork from the European Art gallery.  This figure was chosen from the Japanese objects d’art link.  Click here for more info on the sculpture. #tdc2338 #constipation — Leslie Miyazono …

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  15. @LeslieMiyazono

    Celebrating fifty years of Modern Design

    What if the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 never happened?  What would the World Trade Center Twin Towers look like today? This book cover is a hypothetical depiction of what the World Trade Center in New York City may look like if the original twin towers were still standing today.  Background history …

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