Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.
My theme for my final project was “literature comes to life.” I had high hopes and different visions of how I was going to do some assignments a couple of weeks ago. With that said, I really enjoyed my theme Continue reading →
These past few weeks have certainly been interesting. Aside from having 969875 papers to write, I also had to contend with Remixes and Mashups for Ds106. Below are the links to my assignments for this week. I think my favorite Continue reading →
Another assignment this week was to play with the Remix tool in the assignment bank. My assignment was to “Warhol” an image-easy enough. But then, the remix tool added a Dr. Seuss twist. Here is the end result:
For this mashup, I decided to do the Crossover Battle Royal assignment. The assignment calls for a creation of an image or video with characters from two different universes who come together for an epic duel. I chose two of Continue reading →
There you have it. A mashed up movie poster for the prequel to the 2011 smash hit “Magic Mike.” I used different elements from Patrick Swayze’s (R.I.P.) career to compose this new, very different piece of …art? The hardest Continue reading →
So after reviewing some information on remixes and mashups, I’ve decided a few things. First I think remixing is in itself a creative process. Mashups and remixes take an already created work and utilize it ~creatively~ for a new purpose. Continue reading →
Are we already at this point? I feel like we only started a couple of weeks ago. It has been a fun whirlwind though. So for my final project, which involves combining many of the elements we learned over the Continue reading →
I love movies. Plain and simple. I do not love creating them, however, as I found out these past two weeks. It takes so much more than a camera and a subject. There are way too many things to think Continue reading →
First I will link to my Daily Creates: These next two weeks we will be working with video. Very daunting. I have some experience with editing but only in cases where I had to put clips back to back. Continue reading →
With all the stuff going on this week we were only assigned 2 Daily Creates. The two I selected represent a common theme: time. The first one I’ll discuss is a photo that shows the passage of time. I know Continue reading →
This week turned out to be great. With a terrifying storm coming, I had to do things earlier in the week to make sure I could get everything done on time. First I’ll start with my Daily Creates. As usual Continue reading →
This week we had to do 3 Daily Creates. Pretty simple. But in usual DS106 fashion, there was a wrench thrown in there. We had to connect all three somehow. After much mulling and brain stretching I came up with Continue reading →
I don’t know if its a thing or not but I have been referring to other DS106′ers as simply  6′ers for a few weeks. Yea I’ll take credit if it does become a thing. Anyways, this week I had to Continue reading →
Whew. Done. These past two weeks have been difficult but I made it through, as usual. I doubted myself along the way, also as usual, but in the end I have some finished products. First on the list is my Continue reading →
So the past two weeks have required 6 Daily Creates. It was an interesting two weeks with a much needed fall break. The break did make it difficult to stay focused each day to examine my Daily Creates but I Continue reading →
Phew, what a week. I can’t believe I made it out alive. This was a trying week because design isn’t something I am too familiar with. It was great to learn about all the aspects that go into designing something Continue reading →
I always have a blast with the Daily Create. I love finding new ways to be creative each week. The first TDC this week was to create an image that celebrated World Vegetarian Day. This is a great picture of Continue reading →
This week has been all about design. Until you have to do it yourself, you don’t realize how much design goes into simple images, ads, posters, logos, etc. This week we had to brush up on our knowledge of design Continue reading →
I can’t believe it is already week five. Sometimes I still feel like a boot camp grunt. This 5th week turned out to be tons of fun though as we got to concentrate on visual assignments. I think visual storytelling Continue reading →
Another visual assignment this week was to carry along an action figure or something along those lines and snap pictures of it with you on your everyday outings. I carried this Lego version of Gandalf from LoTR with me for Continue reading →
Confused by the title? Me too. I had to take a common object and manipulate the colors a little bit to make it less common… now do you get it? Yea me neither. I was wandering around and I thought Continue reading →
Another visual assignment I did this week was turning an ordinary portrait of someone into an extraordinary portrait. Naturally, I chose my wife. I picked one of my favorite pictures of her (isn’t she just beautiful!) and made her look Continue reading →
This Visual Assignment was incredibly fun and random. I was not going to complete this because I already had completed enough assignments to get credit for the week but I just loved what happened. Here are the directions for the Continue reading →
One of my visual assignments this week was to add a “splash” of color to a black and white picture. This is something I have always wanted to learn how to do and it only took Ds10-Awesome to motivate me Continue reading →
I created a set on my Flickr page that is a collection of some of my best work so far. I will add to it each week. Feel free to suggest which photos I should add or if you think Continue reading →
So for this week I chose to do 3 Daily Creates that, as always, turn out to be a lot of fun. The first was to take a picture of your favorite baldy. The only problem was that I didn’t Continue reading →
Week three turned out to be pretty killer… in the sense that it almost killed me. I absolutely love having my own blog and my own spaces to share my creations. I never thought I would have accounts to websites Continue reading →
After reviewing the submissions at the DS106 “Inspire” site:ÂÂ I chose the animated Chinatown movie poster as my favorite submission. Not only is this a brilliant movie, this is a brilliantly animated poster. The smoke bellowing from Jake Gittes cigarette embodies Continue reading →
After I saw the Kurt Vonnegut “Shape of Stories” video I started playing around with some of my favorite stories. I chose to display the graph I made of The Hobbit‘s plot. To begin, Bilbo is happier than the average hobbit Continue reading →