Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92698 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mdavis101

    Weekly Summary

    This class has had its share of ups and downs. For the first few weeks I struggled, but I kept improving a little each week. I contemplated dropping this class or making it pass/fail, but Im glad I stuck it out. I have learned the most in this class than any other class this semester. … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  2. mdavis101

    Mashup vs Remix

    Instead of writing up an explanation of what you learned, instead formulate your own understanding about remix and mashup, and record a video or audio of you explaining it to someone who is not familiar; this could be a family member, friend, neighbor, random stranger. The point is to capture a recording of your explanation … Continue reading Mashup vs Remix
  3. mdavis101


    Once again, great job from everyone these last two weeks. I saw some great assignments. Here are the links to my individual comments. Overall, I commented on five posts. Links: Chantel Actor Transformation, Tori book cover, Chantel Emoji, Adam SpaceFac...
  4. mdavis101

    Einstein Lab

    The Work Itself  This is a remix assignment, I have never done this before. It is titled Fantastic Imaginary Buildings [Remixed]: Mood Swap, its instructions are as follows “using an image editor like Photoshop or GIMP, edit together found images of buildings and structures to create what Kazanjian calls a “hyper-collage.”  Look for and select … Continue reading Einstein Lab
  5. mdavis101

    Sports Teams Mashup

    The Work Itself  This assignment is titled “Your Favorite Teams Mashup“, its instructions are to “combine the logos of two or more of your favorite sports teams. Don’t just create an image with the two logos next to each other! Make the final logo look natural and cohesive.” It is currently rated 3.5 stars for … Continue reading Sports Teams Mashup
  6. mdavis101

    Call of Duty Heroes

    The Work Itself  This mashup assignment is titled “Video Game Cover Mashup“, its instructions are as follows “this assignment will be completed through the use of photoshop. Take two existing video game covers and mash them up so that both can be identified but in a different style. Try to be creative in the title and … Continue reading Call of Duty Heroes
  7. mdavis101

    Friends and emoji

    The Work Itself  This mashup assignment is titled “Mashing Friends And Emojis“, its instructions are to “take a picture of one of your friends or just a person that is in the moment doing something exactly like an emoji and then mash them together for comparison.” It is currently rated 3.5/5 stars for difficulty.       … Continue reading Friends and emoji
  8. mdavis101

    Weekly Summary

    Daily Creates: I did three daily creates over the last two weeks. All three were about photography, I did not intentionally choose photography creates, it just happened to work out this way. Here is my week 13 & 14 daily create blog page. Mashup Assignments: Over the last two weeks, I had to complete mashup assignments … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  9. mdavis101

    Weekly Summary

     Over these two weeks, I was required to complete five assignments worth minimally of 16 stars (which I achieved well over) and a required video assignment. I applied my knowledge and skills that I learned from the start of this course, but especially from the last two weeks to complete all the video assignments. Video is … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  10. mdavis101

    Decisions, Decisions

    The Work Itself  “Have A Conversation With Yourself” is a required video assignment. Its instructions are to “have a conversation with yourself! Film yourself talking, then change clothes, hair styles, etc and then film the other half of the convo. Edit this in any movie editor program (I used Pinnacle movie maker) To overlap the two … Continue reading Decisions, Decisions
  11. mdavis101

    Caution: Wet Floor

    The Work Itself This video assignment is titled “Instant Replay“, its instructions are to “choose a video or clip of an action, and then pick a part of the original clip and slow it down to create an instant replay.  Show both the original action as well as the slow-mo instant replay! Video editing software, … Continue reading Caution: Wet Floor
  12. mdavis101

    I love…Food!

    The Work Itself This assignment is titled “What Do You Love?”. The instructions are to “choose something that you love and make a video of it! My assignment is titled “I love Food“, it can be found on my YouTube channel. You can take pictures or videos and combine them into one final video. Try … Continue reading I love…Food!
  13. mdavis101

    Will Ferrell Highlights

    The Work Itself  This video assignment is titled “Favorite Actor/Actress Highlight Reel“. Its instructions are to “create a 30 to 60 second highlight reel of your most enjoyable movie scenes from your favorite Actor/Actress”. It is rated by the public 4/5 stars for difficulty. I created a YouTube video of my favorite scenes and clips … Continue reading Will Ferrell Highlights
  14. mdavis101

    Daily Create Anny Cow the researcher

    Here is my poem of my purpose in life.  I do not know my purpose in life But I will live with no regrets I will live to the fullest I will smile, laugh, cry I will be the best When I die, I will know my life’s purpose. Here it is on my twitter.

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