Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92705 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mirandaskin

    I miss her!

    Special Persons Montage: For this assignment you are to decide on who is special to you. It could be a relative, sibling, parent, friend, mentor, celebrity, or anyone. Then you are to make a video of images or video clips of them showing all the different things that they do that makes them special to … Continue reading I miss her!
  2. mirandaskin

    We Found Her!

    Bring Your Pet To School: Do you miss your pet while you are in school? Do you ever wish that you could bring your pet to school with you? This tutorial assignment will allow your dream to come true. You can use GIMP or other photo edit software to place your pet anywhere on your campus. … Continue reading We Found Her!
  3. mirandaskin

    Sunshine State

    Design a License Plate: Design your own license plate! You can use an online site, alter a preexisting photo, or make your own from scratch. Make the license plate describe either your or a character. Your license plate design should have two part to it: designing the background for the plate and designing the font. … Continue reading Sunshine State
  4. mirandaskin

    Puppy Police

    Please Someone Call the Police! : You know how in crime movies and criminal investigation shows they usually include an audio of a victom talking to the police over the phone? Well in this assignment make an audio of you talking to the police over the phone. Your story of why you are calling the police is … Continue reading Puppy Police
  5. mirandaskin

    Please Hire Me?

    Character Resume: Using either Microsoft Word, creating your own webpage, or using a website like LinkedIn, create a “fake” resume for a fictional person or character of your choice. Add detailed descriptions and make the resume relevant to the character. Resume must include a profile, work history, education, and skills. Locations, job positions, and companies can … Continue reading Please Hire Me?
  6. mirandaskin

    What is a Remix?

    The first video was a documentary by Brett Gaylor of a remixer called Girl Talk. This band, like many artists and bands, plays music in crowds for many to hear and enjoy. The only difference is that his music is a compilation of many different artists. I learned in the video what exactly copyright is! It … Continue reading What is a Remix?
  7. mirandaskin

    TRAVEL with US

    A-Z Photo Collage [Remixed]: DS 106-Ersizing:  Make an alphabetically themed collage. Compile images to represent each letter of the alphabet within a chosen subject area or theme. Create a collage. (4 stars). ReMiX cArD: “DS106-ersizing” Use this assignment to create an advertisment or a recruiting tool for ds106. For this remix, I used an old Visual Assignment example … Continue reading TRAVEL with US
  8. mirandaskin

    Serena Changing

    A Changing Character: For this assignment you need to pick any chacter and follow thier progression that they have had (TV characters from a long standing TV show will probably be best). Use video clips to show how the character has changed and grown up over time. Try to make their progression seem as dramatic as … Continue reading Serena Changing
  9. mirandaskin

    Daily Create 11/18/2015

    #tdc1410: The Best Time of the Day ..when I am not doing anything. #tdc1410 @ds106dc best part = not doing anything at all — miranda ds106 (@mirandabloggin) November 18, 2015 —SALTY SKINN
  10. mirandaskin

    Daily Create 11/10/15

    #tdc1402: Bridge over troubled water For this daily create, we were to find a picture that went with the lyrics of “Bridge Over Troubled Water”. @ds106dc #tdc1402 bridges are cool — miranda ds106 (@mirandabloggin) November 11, 2015 —SALTY SKINN
  11. mirandaskin

    Daily Create 11/9/15

    #tdc1401: Remix your world This daily created required a normal picture with a out of the world insertion to the picture. I used really interesting clouds in a picture I took on a mountain while snowboarding. #ds106 #daily @ds106dc #tdc1401 The sky — miranda ds106 (@mirandabloggin) November 9, 2015 —SALTY SKINN
  12. mirandaskin

    Daily Create 11/5/15

    #tdc1397: Anny Cow the Researcher For this daily, we were to create a 6-line poem about life purpose. Interesting, huh? @ds106dc #tdc1397 This life Is here for us to learn about ourselves and others and to find joy in these things around us — miranda ds106 (@mirandabloggin) November 5, 2015 –SALTY SKINN
  13. mirandaskin

    Classical-Modern Mashup: Hotline Bling

    Classical-Modern Mashup: Ingredients: 1 piece of classical music, 1 modern music video. How to make: First, strip or mute the music out of the modern music video. Then layer the classic music on top. Voila! Some hopefully hilarious, weirdly sexual classical-modern mashup. (4 stars). I immediately watched the example for this assignment and thought it was so creative and thought mine … Continue reading Classical-Modern Mashup: Hotline Bling
  14. mirandaskin

    Daily Create 11/3/15

    #tdc1395: Filtered selfie. For this daily, we were to use an edit on a selfie that we have never used before!! Mine was called sentosa. @ds106dc #tdc1395 sentosa edit. — miranda ds106 (@mirandabloggin) November 3, 2015 —SALTY SKINN

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